6 - 10 March 2019

6 March 2019

Listening to the Mormon Channel Talk Radio this morning, I was introduced to an inspired woman's speech, which I started reading. The woman is Francine R. Bennion, and she was a professor, addressing doctrine of mortal suffering. 

I was unable to a editifying insight, so I decided to read it. The document exposes that there are contradiction or opposition in all things even scriptures, citing several. Thinking about it, I see contradiction or opposition in all things may be a doctrine. Prophets say that all things testify of God as an athiest say that all thing testify against God. Man's scientific theories have a lot of  studies backing them, yet it does not testify of God. Lehi speaks of opposition in all things, but what about contradiction in all things? Contradiction does not mean that there are falsehoods in God or science. Science is based on theories; although, the theories are based on evidence. It does not mean that they are completely true. God's gospel is true, yet the Earth is created with opposition and contradiction. 

Man needs to endure opposition in all things to understand happiness, peace, and joy. They cannot be understood; unless, they experience sadness, dispair, and misery. The radio discussion said that fruits of suffering gives man empathy to understand each other. There was more to the podcast, but I don't know what more to write about it. I will most likely write more as I continue my study of the sermon.

When I stepped out of my apartment, I heard rain, but the sidewalk was not getting wet. I thought that it was just snow. It ended up, being small hail. It felt like a sandstorm. Sandstorms are probably worse because hail melts. Cycling at the fastest downhill moment, my face felt tingly.

Last Saturday, I asked a motocyclist ordinance worker about riding in the snow. He explained that bicyclist have an advantage in snow cycling because bicycling is an aerobic exercise; therefore, the body generates heat. Motorcyclists do not generate heat by physical exertion; therefore, they would feel the pain of the freezing climate. Motorcycling doesn't seem to be a year round means of transportation while I have found that it is at least in my residence of Portland, OR. I don't advise cycling on ice.

At work I had thoughts to back up the data of my external hard drive to cloud storage. Looking online, I found that Degoo gives 100 GB for free, but I could not transfer my files through my USB cable to my iPad. Degoo only allows people use their service if they use their app, or pay to use their service; lastly, a computer program is provided, if they invite ten people to use the service. That would be simple, but I did not want to deal with it. 

Apple only allows their users to transfer photos over USB. I think that Apple only allows that because they have an odd scheme. They have a "service," gathering individuals' photos. Apple syncs all the photos among devices. I think that this service is unnecessary. The scheme incentivizes people to pay for Apple cloud storage and phones with higher memory. They also make it difficult to delete individual photos. One practicely has to delete one at a time. Many dumb things like this makes Apple ridiculous. They have many little things that make their ecosystem difficult to get out of. This syncing of photos among Apple devices encourages people to upgrade to a more expensive device and subscribe to cloud storage.

Another cloud storage company that I considered is MEGA. They give additional storage space, if an individual is loyal to other products available. Their offer was satisfying my need, but a footnote soured it. The additional storage was a limited time offer, which is 180 days. 

I was looking for 50 GB, and I have been using OneDrive for sometime. Checking out Microsoft's offer, I found exactly what I was looking for, but their service cost 2 dollars a month.

This slowed down my day a lot, but I know that my data and files will be safe.

In the evening, I added the mage's pet bear cub again.

7 March 2019

Today I studied more about suffering. Francine R. Bennion, the professor, taught that a quality of theology and religion is that it needs to answer questions universally. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints still doesn't have an official doctrinal answer to suffering; although, this speech was given one hundred years ago.

"There is no single theology of suffering in our church, one framework uniform in all respects in the minds of all leaders and all other members. Though we may share the same scripture, the same revelation, prophets, and belief that God and Christ are real, we have various frameworks for putting them together and for seeing suffering, either our own or someone else’s. One person thinks God sends suffering to teach us or to test us. Another thinks God or Satan can affect only our response to the suffering, and some think it is Satan who is causing the suffering. Others think there should be no suffering at all if we are righteous and certainly no misunderstanding at all about why it is happening. These are only a few of the varieties of LDS belief about the origins of suffering, and however contradictory they be, each can be supported by fragments of scripture."

I have not finished reading the talk, but the quote above offers some answers.

I will expound on these thoughts below.

"One person thinks God sends suffering to teach us or to test us."

Mortal life is hard, and the general term suffering can mean very different things for each of us. Difficult experiences vary for everyone. Many people rely on the school of hard knocks, learning from their mistakes. "Therefore, let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly, and to the sanctification of the church." (Doctrine & Covenants 100:15) Who will walk uprightly before God? Who will trust God despite hardships, remaining faithful? This belief is a generic belief applicable to many mortal situations, but it may not be satisfactory to all.

"Another thinks God or Satan can affect only our response to the suffering, and some think it is Satan who is causing the suffering."

Each person's suffering can bitter or humble man, and both God and Satan will send their spirit to prompt them according to their influences. One may struggle to choose between the opposite enticing. I don't think that this explains suffering.

"Others think there should be no suffering at all if we are righteous and certainly no misunderstanding at all about why it is happening."

This is a utopia type belief, which I believe only exists in the Terrestrial and Celestial stages of the Earth. This belief is not applicable to our current life in the Telestial stage of the Earth.

Work today was less productive than usual because I was completing saving all my files and my email to the cloud. I saved all my email to the company private server, but I was warned by our IT guys that a .pst file can be corrupted, and mine did recently. They were able to recover it luckily. I have worked remotely from the headquarters, and access to our private server is very inconsistent. I decided to download my .pst file to my OneDrive folder. The connection instability required me to make multiple attempts. The final result ended with two identical .pst files one on my hard drive, syncing to Microsoft's cloud, and the second is on our company's server. Having my email .pst file on my computer, I have reliable access to my email now. One con of cloud storage and .pst files is that my file is over six gigabytes, and OneDrive uploads six gigabytes for each update of the file.

When I arrived home, I was discussing what we will do for dinner, and Jasmine asked for a ride to institute. I published the following post on 'Once Upon a Precept,' my study journal blog from my notes from the class:

"Defend your divine nature.   

Does man's divine potential diminish or exalt God?    

God's ability to guide us in his grace & divine assistance to his nature is glorious.   

Man is changeable, yet the world would have you doubt that, thinking that God is flawed like mortal men.   

Christ had to learn how to figure out mortality too.   

Grace is divine assistance. Be anxiously engaged in a good cause. The more influence an individual obtains the more we should seek God's grace to continue to progress.   

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. (1 John 3:2-3)

Divine Potential verses

Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?  (John 10:32-34)

Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.   

The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:16-17)

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.   

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:3-4)

Temple covenants maximizes man's potential  

Bonus thoughts

Temple ordinances guides us to our Savior.   

How can I do more?   

D&C 124:37-42   

Mountains were temples.   

Reveal ordinances   

sacred place for their administration   

Reveal that which was lost   

The original endowment took all day.   

Bonus thoughts 1

My work is to enable my wife to express her divine nature.   

Deep sweetness. Purity in charity.  

Bonus thoughts 2

unique uses of the 13 articles of faith

  • A tool for missionary work
  • guide to study the gospel   
  • a tool for evaluating testimony   
  • a witness of the restoration "

The last ten minutes of the class was impressive because the teacher started a new discussion on the Relief Society, and he covered a lot, including a video and a discussion. I was inspired by the discussion to enable my wife to express her divine nature.  

After Institute, we had to find a place to eat, since we did not eat dinner before. Jessica doubted that I found a place that was open after 9 PM.  Google claimed that "Du Kuh Bee" was not closed, and I had no idea what food that they served. When we arrived, we actually walked passed it. The entrance is hidden. 

When we sat down at a table, we knew that this restaurant was a hidden treasure because they served hand pulled homemade noodles. We actually saw someone, pulling the dough. 

I chose a mild spice to see how they balance flavor and spice. The taste was well balanced. I had squid, tasting mixed flavor. Some had no taste, and some had good taste and texture.

8 March 2019

I read Pahoran's response to Moroni's rebuking Ietter this morning. I was impressed by verse 15 of Alma chapter 61, saying that the spirit of God is the spirit of freedom. The Lord sustains policies of Freedom. The Nephites did have prisoners of war in the first stages of the war that Amlici started; however, near the end of the war, the Lamanites were given freedom from their king's tyranny, if they enter a covenant of peace, sending them to live with the people of Ammon. This was inspired by God, for their harvests were greater than usual.

People looked to me for answers at work, since a crew member was injured and foreman took him to the hospital. We were missing four mullions. I was able to help them a couple times previously, but I couldn't help them track them down. Hoffman's superintendent came later, asking me to make a very specific Field Verification Request to complete the welding scope of Complete Fusion Welding, detailing every deficiency.

I feel that I have lost my focus. I have given up doing the dishes, and my morning routine does not include it at this time. On Wednesday I did not want to continue stay up late, letting my entry go unfinished. I feel like I have been running faster than I have strength, and I tripped. I don't know how to keep up with my goals. My Habitica party have lost interest too. I am starting to take damage for my fall.

9 March 2019.

At the temple I met a young man on his first day serving as an ordinance worker. He was very nervous as I observed that he nearly made a mistake. He did well though. When I was borrowing material to review instructions, I saw him, and I complemented him on his performance, saying that I did the mistake that he almost did, when I first started too. In the study room, we answered the call to serve in the sealing room. When we were preparing, I asked his name. 

He said Jordan Grimes, then, he revealed that he is the grandson of the residence owner, hosting Jasmine and Lucas. We became friends instantly, and he joined us watching Captain Marvel later that day.

Captain Marvel was good. I did not leave the theater inspired, which is common. The story was excellent. The character development of the villain could have been better.

10 March 2019

I am feeling better, but I still have to figure out how to get my life in order. Serving in the temple did the trick.

My co-teacher did not tell me that he was going to be gone at church, so I had to prepare a quick lesson with my wife. The lesson involved a lot of drawing. I drew a coast with a multitude of people, and Christ sailing with his disciples on the chalk board. I had the children draw too on white paper, having them draw themselves on the boat; then, I had them draw themselves on the chalk board drawing. I reviewed the story, testifying that God can calm us in our troubled situations. Jessica told a story from her life. I think that it went well.

Visiting with family was good. My parents have started calling me, since I have been starting to visit the Ledesma's earlier.
