This week was not exciting. The only special things were that I video chatted with Nick Chao to record our first video podcast. I joined the Minus social network. I downloaded the Polkadot Firefox extension to prepare for the Acala Crowdloan.
Jessica and I watched James Bond: No Time to Die on Monday with Trevor. The movie was not impressive. It is one of those movies that takes a day or so to recover.
Tuesday involved a very personal event. Sister missionaries ministered to us at Temple Square, when my efforts were not enough, helping my life remain stable. It is evidence of the grace of God. The finisher of my faith is Jesus Christ.
Jessica was inspired to dress as Kiki and Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service for Halloween, so we watched it on Friday night. It is multiple [enter any natural number] times better than the new James Bond movie. Visiting Trevor, I realized that I am not as big of a fan of Hayao Miyazaki than I thought because I watched less than 75 percent of all his movies. I am fine with that because in the last entry that I wrote that I am not a fan of anything. I even forgot the story of Kiki's Delivery Service.
I joined a social network experiment by a university professor called Minus. It has no advertisements, pictures, reactions, or follower counts. All it has are profiles, a global feed, and comments. A unique thing, is that, each user only has one hundred text posts; however, a user can comment as much as they would like. I commented on a couple posts, saving a screenshot of each post. The social network feels like a live book. The posts are all sequential. They are not reorganized to not be interesting. I am not pitching it. I am just telling you about it. The founder has described the vision better than me. Go to https://minus.social to learn about it.
I wonder how to post in this experiment. In a global book, is an introduction of myself needed? Would I be defined by how I contribute rather than what I write or what I say that I am? Do I even have an identity? I think that I do because people can view my profile; although, my comments are not shown. The profile only shows my blog, my username, my name, a picture of me, and what I want less off as well as my posts. People would have to save or remember my username to see my content, or the link would have to be shared somewhere. I still haven't composed my first post. I feel like a person that uses all one hundred of their posts would be like a veteran, legend, or ghost left to merely comment on posts. He cannot start any conversations.
I spoke about how Polkadot's initial parachain auctions are starting on November 11th. I want to participate on the founding of Polkadot, but the process appears complicated. I hope that there is no minimum to contribute to the crowdloan.
I spoke about this in our first official season 5 Very Hicken Bros episode with a live video chat with Nick and I. A video chat version of the podcast has always been the vision for Trevor.
Jessica and I are recovering from illnesses currently. The effect of it is exaggerated. Jessica's only symptom is that she is trying to cough up the last of the phlegm in her body.
After writing this entry, I was on my phone deleting extra apps to simplify my life. I clicked on DuckDuckGo to check if I was invited to their email tracker remover beta program, and I was! I have been waiting for months for this. When I spoke about this on my podcast, I hoped that I could forward my emails after DuckDuckGo strips my emails of trackers to my Unstoppable Domain email address, and the transition was so simple. Mail.com is a powerful email website. I choose a duck.com email, and give them an email address that I would like the tracker stripped emails to be forwarded to. It worked exactly how I hoped.
A company wants us to help them know how they can balance the earthwork of the site. My coworker was confused because none of the documentation matched. Counseling with my superiors was important. I learned that when balancing a situation, the parking lot and road doesn't need to be considered. It will just follow the existing contours somewhat. My first balancing of the site required minimal earthwork, but it was unrealistic because building pads' elevations were far apart, compared to the buildings proximity. I brought the unrealistic buildings up to a realistic elevation, and cliffs became an issue, so I put in a few retaining walls. Now I have to propose an earthwork for the Northern side. The first attempt, cutting into the hill, was to see if the earth can accommodate the raising of the pads. I need to find out if the earth will accommodate the retaining of the Northern building.
There was another project was unsolvable, but the main reason was because we were missing information that I had to deduce on my own.
Jessica and I were sick this past week. My symptoms have been minimal. We are feeling better today, but we are not done coughing.
I will continue summarizing my week.
On Monday, I transferred all my Eth assets exchanging the for DOT. I can't buy the Polkadot Token, but an awesome thing about cryptocurrency is how "smart" or feature rich it is. Polkadot is still developing, so I can't transfer my Eth to DOT yet. I used a platform called changenow.io. It is interesting that changing money through a centralized intermediary feels risky, but I set my Eth to an address given to me, and they sent me DOT. I am preparing for the Acala Crowdloan. They said that they will be giving me a NFT for participating.
I changed my Twitter and Mastodon profile to show off my Kusama NFT. There are more than three thousand other people with the one that I have, but I haven't see it, so I figured that I should claim it as my profile picture.
Unstoppable Domains announced that they are going to use Polygon, going to layer two. This would make claiming my domains free. I got a new address to connect to the L2, but the app said that any Eth address can be used. I don't know. I will see; however, I bought the dragonbolt.crypto domain. I changed my Twitter and Mastodon profile name to the domain name from Dragonbolt
to add to the marketing and network of my ![🐉](https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/13.1.1/1f409/32.png)
I have been exploring Web3 more since I made my first official interactions with the Polkadot Web3 extension. I put my Eth address into my Opera browser, and they have a Dapp portal that I have been exploring.
On Tuesday night, I worked late to have my Yahoo mail forwarded to my duck.com tracker remover email address. Yahoo requires a five dollar monthly subscription to forward emails, but I found a way around. My email network is complicated, but it works. My Yahoo email address is my original one, and I wanted to get control of it again to protect my accounts. Also my Flickr account is attached to my Yahoo account, which has a backup to my wedding pictures, so I want to preserve it.
This week was special because all four members of the Very Hicken Brothers podcast joined the video chat. It is hard to coordinate with Kyler. It was good to catch up with him.
On Friday night, we went to the Hogle Zoo to see their Zoo Lights service. The lights were not very exciting, but my favorite things were the Harry Potter maze and an elephant statue. Jessica got a good video of lights, arranged to look like pumpkins that are singing the monster mash song. We went to the Hogle Zoo with Josh, Martha and Trevor.
Yesterday I watched the new Pokemon movie with Trevor. He was loving it, saying that it is better than Kiki's Delivery Service, but I disagreed. The new Pokemon movie is called "Pokemon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle."
There is a thief in our apartment building, and I saw a few Amazon packages ripped up in the stairwell. I noticed an Apple Tracker in its original packaging. I realized that it was not lost after pondering the circumstance. I found two other Apple Trackers, and I walked returning the packages. One was a gift certificate for newlyweds, and I returned the Apple Trackers. It was tempting to take it, but I didn't purchase it.
We planned a primary lesson yesterday, but we didn't come prepared on Sunday because we are starting to rehearse the Primary Program. We were lucky that there were no children in our age group because the primary had class time for us teachers.
Today is Wednesday, and Nick and I are waiting for Trevor, because he locked his key in his car. This episode of the Very Hicken Bros is going to be the first in more than a month for the podcast. Our weekly recording are being put on the Talk To You Later Show.
The only thing special about this week is pasta day on Monday, and pumpkin day was on Tuesday. Jessica started recognizing national days a while ago, and it is nice to come home to have dinner cooking. Jessica made pasta and a pumpkin soup. The pumpkin soup had sausage, and it went well with bread. I ate leftovers of both meals today.
Wednesday was a big success somewhat. I haven't looked at the statistics of how much people listened to the YouTube video, but we have 34 views so far on the podcast episode that we recorded on Wednesday night.
Thursday was a fiasco. I requested a free air purifier from Rainbow at www.myutahair.com, and the sixty to ninety minutes appointment, starting at eight post meridiem, ended up to be more than three hours. They pitched an air purifier that somehow can have vacuum functionality.
Saturday was a success too. I worked on the Very Hicken Bros monthly edited episode. It was the first in more than a month. We have been posting on the Talk to You Later Show weekly. I think that we got a routine going. The next episode should be a highlights from the previous month. We already got six listens since I posted it yesterday.
Jessica went grocery and Halloween costume shopping. She is satisfied about how it turn out; although, she came at the end of the trunk or treat. She said that it was her best costume set yet for us. I was Tombo, and she was Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service.
Today is a milestone in Jessica's life. I have time to write in my journal; although, it is a Saturday because I am waiting for Jessica to complete her first ballet class. I usually write on Sundays. Jessica was asking me what I want to do for my birthday early this week, and I said that I want to attend a ballet performance, which she is participating in. She actually took my request seriously. When she asked if I was serious, I said yes. She has been wanting to do ballet, and I am grateful that she is following her dream. My idea is just a nudge to start the momentum.
I made some good progress on my art project. I am drawing the Very Hicken Bros team, hanging out at a restaurant. I have several layers already, but I am drawing the first layer of the art piece. I traced a picture of my family after eating dinner, and I made Nick replace my father, and Kyler took mother's place. I traced Trevor and I's faces, and now I am preparing to draw Nick's face. It a lot easier to trace than draw free hand. It is odd how many ways how people understand how to draw a face.
This past week was exciting for me. I got my first true NFT of actual demand on OpenSea Monday. There is a generous community called NoName Nerd. It is also a company. The CEO gave me the NFT for free. I think that it fits my social media well. I have been told that it looks like me. It is a little interest to request an NFT that I did not know how it looked like. The company NoName Nerd is also generous because they offered me an affiliate opportunity of fifteen percent commission for product sales. They also give free merchandise for completing tasks. The Very Hicken Bros team appears to be open to the opportunity.
On Wednesday, Jessica and I attended a Real Salt Lake Major League Soccer game. Jessica wanted to go to the Wednesday game because they played the Portland Timbers. She really enjoyed the game. I don't know if the Real Salt Lake team was compensating for a lousy goalkeeper, but they focused a lot of offense. They were on the Timbers half of the field for the majority of the game; however, the Timbers' defense was prepared. Real Salt Lake would not have gotten one point on the Timbers, if it were not for one of their players blocking the goal with his elbow. The Real Salt Lake player was like ten feet in front of the goalie. It is good that we moved from Portland because the Timbers won three to one.
Friday was very exciting to because I was notified that the Acala Crowdloan began. I have been preparing for this Polkadot Crowdloan for about a month. I hope that they win the first slot auction. The auction competition would have to be steep if they don't win it because I bet more than a million DOT is lock in this crowdloan. "Acala is an Ethereum compatible smart contract platform optimized for [decentralized finance] and scaling [decentralized apps] to Polkadot. (https://acala.network) The leading referral member helped gather over 75,000 DOT. I submitted my DOT to the liquidity vault, enabling me to use liquid DOT as a currency as my DOT is locked in the crowdloan. My award appears to be between 45 and 950 ACA. Their token is a governance token, so I can participate in the decision making process in the blockchain platform. They said that they will give me 20% of my award at the launch of Acala, so that is exciting. It should launch mid-December if the slot auction win is obtained. I like how accessible that the Polkadot ecosystem is. They gave me a non-fungible token for free on the Kusama blockchain, the experimental blockchain of Polkadot, and Acala will give me an NFT for participating in the Acala Crowdloan. "Polkadot is a decentralized, multi-chain network that allows blockchains to connect for interoperability, scalability, and plug-and-play network security. To join Polkadot’s network, all parachains must participate in and win an auction to earn a slot on the network. Parachains can choose to raise DOT in a variety of ways in order to participate in the Auction." (https://acala.network)
We recorded the Very Hicken Bros podcast on Friday night, and Nick Chao shared a song. At the end of the video chat, I said the the audience would have to listen to the podcast to listen to the song, and Nick Chao said that he would edit the video. That's exciting. The song is not composed well, but it sounds great. I compared it to a Final Fantasy theme song, painting a rich noble world, facing a corrupt society.
Today was the last day that the Primary practiced for their program next week. We have a child that rarely sits in her chair, and we don't know how to deal with her.
Last night I began to engage in the NoName Nerd ecosystem more, preparing for the podcast to be an affiliate with NoName Nerd. I even transferred a dollar's worth of Bitcoin from the Cash app to my Uphold account, because the account had more than five dollars from awards from Brave, but the shipping price for a free NoName Nerd hat was 5.99.
I decided that I will post these entries on my blog because we got some good pictures from the Major League Soccer match that we attended.
Another thing that I don't think that I wrote about is that I have been saying that I intend to put my blog on my ipfs domain, but I discovered that the ipfs link with Unstoppable Domains would just redirect you to a https link, which is disappointing. I posted the link on my Yat.
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I carved Kiki's cat JiJi. |
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