December 27, 2015

The semester is over. I survived all of my classes. On Christmas break, I am trying to work in Portland, Oregon; therefore, I am living at the Bleak's house. Life has been pretty simple. I failed to get a job by diligent application during school. The method of finding a job through networking basically worked.
I got Bs in most of my classes, but I neglected my BIM class, since my other classes had a lot of reading. BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. It is 3D modeling, but it has great information for construction managers. My architecture teacher was concerned that I would fail the class, but I have faced a similar situation for the past few semesters. I knew that I could pull it off. Reading is very difficult for me, and I bravely read most of my assignments for most of the semester. I loosened my reading standard to make sure that I pass my BIM class. I could upload my BIM project presentation, but it will probably not be a suitable standard that you could fully enjoy, since it is 6' × 3' in dimension.
I was applying for jobs very diligently, interviewing with many companies. One thing that I learned is that interviewing to network is a skill. I feel like my interviews closed doors more than open them. When I coached cross country, most of my team was from Oregon. I contacted them, and I contacted one in person. The one that I contacted in person was good, for the job was realistic. I tried to interview with them over the Thanksgiving break, but time was too short. I tried again on the Monday before Christmas, but the person didn't stay in the office during the time that he said that he would be there. The interviewer is named Scott McCord, and he told me to call before I come the next day. I left earlier and called the next day. All Aspects is the name of the company.
