Thanksgiving break has been great so far.
Paige showed me her skills of driving in ice and snow. I am still scared of
driving in Utah's winter. The unity of Paige, Rachel, Jesse, and I hanging out for
this break has been good so far. We cooked and we have not done any other
adventures outside yet. Driving in the Ice was stressful enough for Paige, and
we had homework to do too.
Since I am from California, I have no idea
what knowledge and skills that Paige employed to get us to arrive safely at the
cabin in Bear Lake. The roads were fine until we started driving up into the
hills of Bear Lake. It was full of slick ice. Paige's efforts, driving on the
ice, is so stressful that she consumes ibuprofen to relax. We had to drive the
car today, the 27th of November, because we did not make it to the top. When we
stopped, it was funny because we drifted off to the side. It seemed fine
because we needed to park anyways. When we hit the side, the most funny part
was that we spun 180 degrees perfectly because how slick the road was, and we
let the car be parked there.
Since today is Thursday, the 27th of
November, I get to write about our glorious Thanksgiving that we had. We still
follow the honor code of BYU Idaho. Last night we went to the other cabin to
sleep, and the cabin was barely insulated and it was not heated. In the morning
we waited to go back to hang out with Paige and Rachel at 10 AM, which is the
earliest that you can visit a girl in their apartment. When we arrived, Rachel
was already up cooking, and we cooked all day until Thanksgiving.
Last night was rough sleep wise because as
I said the cabin was barely insulated and it was not heated. I had an odd thick
comforter that would only provide insulation, touching me, if I moved it. I
told Jesse that it felt like it was floating above me. It was so cold that my
bed was only warm on the mattress underneath me, and moving around required re-positioning my rigid comforter. It was a rough night.
In the morning, I woke up about eight, and
the wait to come to the warmth of the other house was slow. I didn't have my
scriptures, but they did have some good books. I tried reading Speaker of the
Dead again, but I realized that the logic behind studying other intelligent
aliens in person is very destructive, which turned me off from the continuing
reading the Ender's series. Communing in that cabin was hard because you feel
that the floor, outside, the wind, everything is sucking heat out of you. Jesse
was reading the Fantastic Mr. Fox book, and I stood listening to him reading
it. As I stood, I had to stand in one place to keep my feet comfortable because
the floor would suck the heat out of my feet if I moved around.
One adventure that we went on before we
went to visit Paige and Rachel is that we explored a trail that we saw going
down into the valley. As we walked it was interesting because we saw animal
tracks. It was mainly moose, but there was one random big print. We suspected
that it was a wolf, which was a little scary, but we did not really need to
worry about it because it was looked like it was on the surface of about four
inches of snow frozen; plus, there was only one. It was a little funny because
Jesse led the way. Since he had nice boots, I would step in this footsteps in
order to not get my shoes wet. When we were walking back, I tried to step in
his footstep again, and I stepped on the wolf track.
When we arrived at the house, Rachel had already baked the rolls. I helped bake a cream of tartar berry pie. We worked well together, seeking a happy peaceful Thanksgiving together. The girls were stressing out, and we had to move the car again as I said before, having the feast soon after.
Seeing my Turkey when I returned was a
little sad because I could not see any meat on him. As we moved him around, he
almost ripped in half. I thought that he was pitiful. Everyone else was proud
of him though. We also went all out on setting up the table. We were all
pleased at how everything was prepared. When we sat down, we felt relief and
excited. The spirit of the occasion was interesting. That feeling of relief and
excitement sustained itself, and we were all speechless. It felt reverent and
Today is now Friday, the 28th. Last night
was glorious kind of. I built a fire in the furnace, and it lasted most of the
night. I decided to start organizing Track and Field for the Spring of 2015
because guess what! I was chosen to be the Track and Field Coordinator. I spoke
with Jessica today, and Paige, Rachel, Jesse, and I went on a hike. Now it's
Sunday! We did not do much yesterday. I did engage in communication to
cultivate better relations with my older brother. We have only spoken to him a
handful of times over the past 4 years or so. This is one of the things that
Jessica and I decided to do together because we both have older siblings that
are married, which we don't communicate much with. It has been a week since
Jessica and I have been dating steadily, and I wrote her a Words of Affirmation
letter. I should do that each week. We played games and almost made an igloo.
The glorious thing about Thursday night
was that it was warm, but the thing that made it kind of glorious is that I was
sleeping in the highest bed of the cabin. It got really warm; insomuch that, I
was uncomfortable, and the thing that made me more uncomfortable was how dark
that it was. I thought that the furnace was leaking smoke in the house. I even
yelled out my concern in the middle of the night before I realized that the
pitch darkness was not smoke. It was a good thing that Jesse didn't wake up,
and I slept on the main level for the rest of the vacation. I am surprised of
my fear that I discovered. I don't usually claim that I have fears.
My Track and Field Coordination is off to
a good start. People are very supportive. I met Amie Whipple at cross country
and the P2B conference. She said that one of her life goals is to be a track coach, so I approached her first about
being a coach. She is dating the cross country coach that dominated, and she
said that they would like to be a team coaching the middle and long distance
events of one team. I chose to create an event with Facebook inviting most
everyone that I know at BYUI to the founding meeting of the Cross Country and
Track and Field Association mainly so I
can have a good list of all the possible people interested for myself to
contact. Alex Galbraith contacted me about being the Track and Field
Association President. It seems that he has a lot of ideas. I asked a few
people about being leaders in the association, but they did not seem to have as
many ideas. We will see when I interview them. I asked Vanessa Vankatwyk for
help finding coaches for the throwing events. Although Vanessa is small, she is
surprisingly very passionate about throwing. When I was taking BIM in the
Spring, I saw in a presentation of the first BIM class' work a throwing
facility. I was hoping who would be so passionate about the sport to model such
a big facility, and I did not expect to meet the creator. Vanessa was that
person. She said that she would coach, but she is graduating before the spring
semester. She recommended that I ask you a guy named Jorge Olveiras, but he may
be too busy to coach. He is super friendly, but he is already involved with a chess
club and Jujitsu. I hope that I am creating a healthy competition in my efforts.
Oh yeah. I was told that I got the
position to be the Track and Field Coordinator in Wednesday on our way up to
Bear Lake. The first thing that I did is develop a vision for the season. I did
not bother think of a developed vision for the association because I am not
running it. The event for founding the association is going to be on Wednesday,
and I am going to present my vision to those who come. It is interestingly intertwined
with the Track and Field sport. I am having the position of the President of
the Association separate from my coordinator position, but we will work
together with Brother Stutz to establish coaching standards for the season. I
need two team leaders, and the association needs two vice presidents;
therefore, the position will be the same. I need the two team leaders to
develop team unity for their individual teams, since we are going to have two
teams. I am going to have all three members of the presidency play important
roles in suggesting coaches, which I choose. Vanessa asked what type of
individuals that I am looking for to coach, and this is what my response was.
"I want an individual that would try to recruit as many people as possible
to be a thrower, having great enthusiasm and passion, a contagious coach."
My focus is a combination of developing unity and competition to retain my
athletes. I don't expect expertise. I will develop standards for them with the
legendary Brother Stutz.
I like my conversations with Jessica
because they are so realistic. There is a special unity that we have. This
partially comes because how similar we are to each other. The conversations
come naturally, but we are comfortable with silence. She was unable to play
with her cousins that much, running around because her knee pains. Guess what!
Devin's knees are feeling better! I am excited to start working with him again.
I am not going to share what I wrote to
Jessica because it is for her.
Last night we wanted to do something
because we have been sitting around all day, writing or doing other homework.
We decided to make a snow man; however, our decision morphed into making an
igloo. We got baking bread pans, and we started making brick walls. I don't have
snow boots, so my Converses got soaked and cold after a while. I didn't endure
to the end, but a wall fell apart soon after I left. I didn't miss much.
Today is now the 7th of December.
This week has been glorious just as every other week. I organized the Track and
Field association, and Jessica organized my birthday. It was the most glorious
birthday. Usually I have to think of my own birthday party because I don't
believe that anyone would put together an actual party for me. These two things
sum up my week. Nothing much really happened. Jessica has recovered from her
knee pain, and we ran yesterday! We also attended the BYUI Christmas Concert
and the Yule Ball.
I had about 10 people committed to attend
the founding meeting of the Track and Field Association. Jessica, Rhett
Mullins, Amie Whipple, and Kaleb Martin were the only people who attended.
Rhett's commitment made him a trusted candidate to be the president of the
association. Alex Galbraith said about
an hour before the meeting that he would be too busy to be the president of the
association. Jessica felt awkward at the meeting because she had nothing to
contribute. Amie and Kaleb are going to be the long and middle distance coaches
for the 6 PM team. Their attendance was great, for they had many great ideas
and opinions. I could not find any white board pens around, so I had to
purchase some quickly. I wrote up my vision on the white board, so people can
follow along easily. My presentation and the audience's participation was
great. I don't believe that I missed anything. Tyre Russell was a candidate
that I hoped would be a Team Leader, and I am grateful for her willingness and
enthusiasm. I interviewed Rhett and Tyre and gave them the position the next
day. I was hoping that Cory Hafen would be the second team leader, but he is
too slow to coordinate consultation. Jeffrey Wood is an enthusiast of Track and
Field. I gave Cory the rest of that day to reply to my request of meeting with
him about being a team leader. Since he didn't, I had to network, and see who I
can get as a team leader. It was a Friday, and I wanted to get the Team Leaders
chosen because I want to print their team shirts by next weekend. Jeff invited
his friends to like the Facebook Page, and Valerie Nielson did. I know her from
Track and Cross Country. I asked three people to meet with me that day, and I
was surprised that all three was willing to meet with me. I met with Amanda
Reaser, Irvin Silva, and Valerie Nielson. It was not that hard to choose the
second Team Leader because Valerie Nielson caught the vision of the Track and
Field Program, coming up with many ideas.
My birthday was that evening, and Jessica
asked me to come to her apartment at 6 PM. I felt so happy for her effort to
organize it. It was a great environment. Jessica says that she is not creative,
but her birthday party plans were the most original that I have ever seen. She
had various friends including herself prepare a part of a four course meal.
Jessica prepared a most tasty Tomato Soup. Vanessa Vankatwyk, who is
coincidentally Jessica's Sunday School teaching companion and the same person
who is really into throwing mentioned above, made us a salad. At that course of
the meal, I asked Jessica if she would like to begin a tradition of having one
meal a day with each other. It is important in familial relationships to keep
current with each other to maintain trust, understanding, relevance, and more.
We figured that a family only has about 1000 meals together, when raising a
child, if they commit to having it once a week. If we have meals with each
other each day, it is multiplied by 7. 7000 meals with a family is not that
much. This brings into perspective the precious time that we have to give each
other in mortality. We need to give each other our best. Eating breakfast and
dinner together would double the amount of meals in a family. 14000 meals is
more comforting. Jessica and I often have two meals a day with each other.
After salad at Vanessa's apartment, we went to my apartment, where Jesse
prepared us the main course. Jesse cooked us grill cheese sandwiches, a family
tradition; then, we went to Paige Dexter and Naomi House's apartment for
dinner. They tried to make it a surprise, but it was not too surprising. I
surprised them more when I popped a balloon on the cake's candles. The
occasion's materiality was manifest in the typical confetti, streamers,
balloons, blow tools, and another party toy. These things have never been in a
birthday party of mine, so that made is
even more special with the coordination of everything. The love of Jessica and
my friends that helped prepare everything was felt greatly, and we enjoyed
ourselves for desert together. Jeanette was bummed that we forgot to throw the
confetti at the surprise, so she decided to throw it at Jessica and I. I got it
all in my hair and jacket, tracking it even into the temple yesterday. After
enjoying the cake, we decided to play Apples to Apples, having the most joyous
time. Jessica and I's unity is special. We matched clothing without even trying
these past few days, and the funny thing was that when I judged during the
game. A high majority of the time like 8 out of 10 times I chose her card. She
seems to have my humor, and Jessica chose my card like half of the time too. It
was all coincidental.
Over the next couple days we enjoyed the
Yule Ball and BYU Idaho Christmas Concert. The Yule Ball had an interesting
feeling that it was like a country dance. We hung out with a good group of
friends, getting plenty of pictures. Some people fell in the dances including
Rachel Dunlap. We ate at the Hickory before the ball, and Naomi, Rachel, and
Jessica was preparing and getting dressed at Paige's apartment. Jessica looked
gorgeous. She told me to come to the apartment at 6:30, so I reserved a table at
6:40, but they were not ready. We didn't get there until 7. We only practiced
the dances the Wednesday previous, so we were a little confused. It's all fun
though. The BYU Idaho Concert was amazing and very creative. Jessica and I have
a good tradition of holding hands whenever appropriate. Jesse had a date, and
Rachel came alone. We all sat in different location because we did not
coordinate sitting together.
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