15 October 2017

9 October 2017

When I got up this morning, I wanted to make sure that Jessica had breakfast because she chose to read scriptures instead of eating dinner after fasting yesterday. After getting her started on breakfast and the rice cooking, I began putting together my Mormon YSA Blog Spot Storify post. I have not written much about the Facebook page recently. Most of the posts don't get clicks on them. The page shares a post every two hours. I written one time that the page feels like a radio show. There was a little drama on the page about Lindsey Stirling's modesty last week with several comments on a post. I believe that a lot of us has witnessed her modesty steadily decline over the years, but our debate or talk won't do anything. Her modesty is her choice. The Mormon YSA Blog Spot has more than 1300 likes, and the page has finally kept the number for some weeks now.
When I went to grab my bike from the balcony, I smelt smoke. The entire bay area is covered. I heard that a fire started about two o’ clock last night. It caused me to ride my bicycle slower than usual. The sky looks fine, and the smell is not as bold at this time.
This morning I recorded the inventory deliveries from last week.
Last night I saw an advertisement for a pair of smart glasses that have been in development. Wearable technology is an interest of mine. I sent the link to Trevor because an individual can actually purchase the product, having it shipped to them. A lot of tech companies develop a lot, advertising for pre-orders. I learned from Clayton Christensen that companies should be impatient for profit and patient with development. People don't want to wait for years for their pre-ordered devices to come. I have two devices that are pre-ordered. They should arrive about the end of the year. This pair of smart glasses is amazing because it reads your brain waves; giving you data and patterns that you can interpret like stress, distraction, anger, energy levels in order to understand yourself. One can address patterns as they see fit. The company that manufactures the product is Muse.

10 October 2017

Yesterday I left the office late because I underestimated the time that it would take to complete my daily report.

11 October 2017

On Tuesday, things went smoothly. I caught up on updating most of the documents on Monday.
I told you about a foreman that I talked a lot with before. His name is Larry. I am starting to do a little quality control, and he helps me a lot. I help him too.
On Monday night my mom tried to persuade me to drive to work for safety, but I don't like driving, not wanting to deal with the hassle. She even offered to pay for the gas, but I refused. I had not written any new cycling adventures because the mornings have been too cold to race.
Last night I got a call from Trevor. He was unboxing his new phone, the LG V30. It is the phone of the year. The iPhones are not good. This year the bezel-less phone became mainstream, and the iPhone X is one. The facial recognition log in feature has been on Android phones for years, and the iPhone 8 is good only because they caught up specifications wise with the Android market. "The V30 has a dual cam setup one a Wide angle, the other a F1.6. Wireless charging, a bigger screen:body." Trevor tweeted me, comparing the V30 with the iPhone. Google is not going all out with the release of the new Pixel 2 as they have done with the Nexus phones, and the bezel is sub-par compared to competition. Trevor has been doing personal unboxing videos for me for a long time. This is Trevor's phone opinion. If I had money, I would buy a LTE smart watch with a good set of Bluetooth headphones, and I would give my phone to Jessica. I don't want to carry around a phone. I would also have to buy a tablet for work too. My most ideal technology set up, which is not developed yet, would be smart glasses that is a phone, an audio headset, a camera, and an augmented reality display. This is probably going to be developed in ten years.
At the self-reliance class last night, we learned that budgeting with the cash envelope system or a debit card is best. I don't like the cash envelope system because it is inconvenient and cumbersome. I have done the debit card method until I got regular payments with my new job. I did have a joint account with Jessica, but I quit using it after they charged me for not having high enough balance. Chase also canceled that account. My method of budgeting is a combination of both debit cards and the cash envelope system. Jessica and I both have debit accounts, where budgets are funded.

12 October 2017

I have been distracted in the evenings.
The self-reliance personal financial class also taught problem solving skills, evaluating the real problem and creating real solutions. The manual shared a scripture in a unique way.  "And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;" (D&C 93:24). We need to address problems "as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come."
The fire in Northern California doubled in size a couple nights ago, and the air is bad occasionally. I hear that the air pollution is harmful. I hope that they won't have any temporal effects on me. I did not worry about it after the first day; however, my neighbor pointed that the fire still is growing. Cycling exposes me to the air more than others.
The guy, who does the time sheets, did not do his daily report yesterday because he is taking the role of the safety manager, so I had to retrieve the data from the crews personally. There are more pressure to get these reports because I learned yesterday that the general contractor wants these daily too. I scanned all of them that I had this morning.

13 October 2017

Yesterday evening I shopped for night cycling safety gear per my mother's instruction. I got one of the brightest yellow jackets. It is waterproof too. I also got usb charging bicycle lights.
When I got home, I had a family counsel about our new budget. I found that my conservative 401K investment is too high. My salary is not high enough for California. I hope that I get a raise when they give me my three month review.

15 October 2017

This weekend I was a little productive. Jessica was taken to a "Time Out For Women" event by my mother, so I had some time to do things around the house. We still had suit cases full of clothing in our room after living in Campbell for about two months, so I decided to put them all away; clothing and suit cases. I did this after doing most of the dishes and some laundry.
Two of the driers that I was trying to use were not working because the machines had a reached its offline limit, meaning the machine was disconnected to the internet for too long. This error confused me, and I called the company taking care of the machines. They seemed to have reset the internet connection remotely, telling me to come back after a couple hours. I felt like resting after I was locked out of the laundry room and doing the dishes. I was galvanized to put the suitcases and clothing away after Jessica checked in on me.
I was napping/pondering how we could possibly save up for a purchase of a house. 
I hope next week is better. I think that I was distracted this week, watching a lot of YouTube. I am sure that you don't want me to write about those. I already wrote about an advertisement of a product that I have been waiting for its release.
