22 October 2017

15 October 2017

The last post that I published included an entry for today, but I seem to have a habit of writing about the previous day. Today is a Sabbath day. I have been falling asleep during sacrament for the past few weeks. I think that it is because I don't get enough sleep during the week, and sleeping in on the weekends don't work. A missionary returned from his mission to our ward, and I woke up in time to hear his speech.
After sacrament, I counseled with a man in our personal finance self-reliance class. I think that he should be in the "finding a job" self-reliance class because that is what he has been focusing on. I gave him resume tips.

16 October 2017

The tip that I gave him is to write skills obtained or expressed and describe the results in previous jobs. Make sure that it applies to the job/industry that you are applying for. Write two or three per job.
On Saturday, my grandmother called asking for StoryWorth's phone number again, since they missed a few weeks in a row. I did not give him the question for this past week because I was so busy or distracted. The question was silly, asking the strangest food that he ate. I transcribed it yesterday as Jessica was attending her education self-reliance class.
Today I have been doing things that are not my routine duties. I visited the Steve Jobs Theater because we have to retrieve data for a change order to give an Oregon Project Engineer. Audriana had never been to the theater, so she helped me. We have to go back tomorrow because the stone was not ready for us.
I feel like I am doing mission impossible type tasks, going into private property to retrieve data. I get permits of course, yet I accomplish the task. I have another mission impossible type task to do after lunch. I have to QC the pavers.

17 October 2017

Yesterday I left late again, underestimating again how long it takes to record the weekend's progress. I was able to do the quality control work without Apple kicking me out. Last night I had to go shopping, and I got pizza because Jessica fasted yesterday. During dinner, we spoke about the speeches that we are preparing for Sunday. Jessica is very indecisive, so giving her guidance is practically useless.
After dinner we spoke about dedicating the house. I have some ideas on how we should establish our home, but I was mainly too exhausted to think. I asked Jessica what she wants for the apartment. She had some good thoughts, but I requested that she would write them down. Before the prayer, I prepared her and myself for the prayer. The prayer will only be fulfilled, of we work for it as the scripture said "Faith without works is dead."
Last night I also felt a sore throat coming. My mother taught me a secret of the nursing industry. If you get sick, it is most likely because you have an infection in the throat. All you need to do is prevent the infection from entering the throat, and you will most likely not get sick. The method to stop the infection from entering the throat is by gargling salt water. Make sure that it gets into the throat. I have been doing it for a while, and it works. I am just bummed that I forgot to bring salt to work.
Last night Jessica was confirming that I was turning 29 years old, after asking what type of pie or cake that I would like for my birthday. I said that I feel like I have been saying that I am 28 so long that I may actually be turning 30 years old. I may have to calculate my age to double check. This year has been a long one.
This morning I had to go get more data for a change order. The area was not ready until 10 AM
My mom purchased me another bread cooker because our old bread cookers gears would skip, so we are going to visit this weekend. I look forward to making them a loaf. I don't think that they had a loaf of my bread.

18 October 2017

Yesterday I left work with a headache, and I went to sleep with chills and a fever.
Last night at the self-reliance class, I learned about insurance and emergency funds. There was a great urgency emphasized for the emergency fund, recommending selling things and working side jobs. The rate that I am accumulating my emergency fund is way too low. I am trying to give as much as I can to the fund.
The lesson taught the relationship between a premium and a deductible. Premium is the rate you pay the insurance company, and the deductible is the maximum price that you need to pay before the insurance company will help during an incident. A policy with a low premium may have a high deductible. You may save money with a higher rate premium, if the deductible is much lower. This of course requires a claim with the insurance agency.
Last night I went to sleep a little earlier than usual, but I got up often to use the restroom, gargle salt water, and drink water. I went to sleep feeling chills, feverish, and exhausted, and I woke up feeling great. I still needed to gargle water.
When I got to work, I wanted to make a diagram for the as-builts of a change order because Kevin, another Project Engineer, could not understand the pictures that I gave them. The information is to be sent to an engineering firm. I wish that I had AutoCad. It would have been easier, but I made it on an isometric page on Bluebeam, simplifying it to one draw rather than 2D drawings. I just realized that I made the diagram unnecessary complicated. I should have just drawn measurements on the picture.

19 October 2017

My desire to draw a diagram for the engineers distracted me from my responsibilities, and I barely fulfilled them.
Last night during mutual, I began writing my talk for sacrament.

20 October 2017

I didn't write much yesterday because a crew invited me to join them for lunch. I think that I am expanding my abilities. My reliability is improving. A crew asked about a column, since the foreman was absent, and I was able to conclude his dilemma.
Last night Jessica and I went to the "Classic" burger joint in Los Gatos to celebrate the 19th of October. It is a unique burger joint because it is ran by Asian women, having diverse food like Clam Strips. I ordered a Linguica Sandwich because I like ordering food that I don't know what they are. We were a little in a rush to make it to a missionary appointment, but they canceled. Jessica was already ordering, and my decision needed to be spontaneous. Jessica thought that the Linguica was cow tongue, but I identified it as a sausage cut in half. Jessica looked it up on Google to confirm that I was right. I like the adventure of eating food that I don't know.
My fever is gone after that one night, but the germs are still trying to get into my throat.
I would like to tell you about the pervasiveness of pornography. A foreman said he met a girl that sent him a picture. I should have got a clue after he said that he would love to join a Facebook advertisement Colombian Cruise based on Sex, Alcohol, and Drugs; but he showed me a pornographic picture. I said "That is weird." Why would she do that? His reply was "Hey, it doesn't hurt my feelings." The foreman's reaction, following his comment, was that he pulled away to ponder. The construction environment can be very vulgar. Pornography is so pervasive that many individuals try to befriend me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter with the clear intent to destroy my virtue. A malicious Twitter account followed me recently, and I reported it this morning. The permissive of pornography is so great that it does not bother me that much.
Today has been chill. Fridays are usually that way. Today was a first day that she was ready before me as I prepared to go to work.
Last night mom called to make plans for the weekend because Thomas wants to do something for his birthday on Saturday. I believe that they said not to write anything about them, so I will not expound.
I have raced a couple guys on my ride home, cycling. One guy came up behind me, and said "Hey, you have two safety helmets on." Yep, I attach my hard hat to my backpack. I looked forward after a chuckle to not let him pass me. I have realized after the two people. My bicycle has a limited capacity of speed compared to the other road bikes that I see. I only have one gear while others may have twenty or more. The other guy passed me easily, and we started a new race after a stop light. His start was slow. I could have passed him, but he was a thick powerful man. I wanted to see, if I could keep up with him. He raced on a high gear, so we were on a level playing field. I am not sure, if he changed to a lower gear. I could barely keep up with him.
Today I was talking the mason that I invited to general conference, and he assumed my desire to invite him to see me speak in Sacrament. He said that he would if I visited his church. I agreed, and we will see if he comes.

22 October 2017

Jessica and I spoke in Sacrament. I wrote out my talk. I read over it to see if I covered the time allotted to me, and I did. Jessica read her talk in the car drive to church, and her talk covered the time allotted. When we spoke, I did not read my talk. Reading a prepared talk is not a speech. People have teleprompters during General Conference, and I would use those because it is a speaking skill; however, reading from paper is not a speech. The following is the speech that I prepared, but I did not read it word for word:

"Jesus Christ is a Perfect Example" is our topic today.

We were encouraged "to share how Jesus’ life provide(d) an example on how we can live our own lives."

My talk is based of the life of Christ from my studies of the New Testament, and I would like to relate a story from his life at this time. I quote from the second chapter of Luke.

41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover.
42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.
43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day’s journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance.
45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him.
46 And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.
47 And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.
48 And when they saw him, they were amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing.
49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?
50 And they understood not the saying which he spake unto them.

This shows the intelligect of Christ, for doctors were looking to him for wisdom; however, I would like to expound on two parts of the passage. First of all, Christ was dwelling in a temple.
When I got home from my mission, a man named Brother Duckworth served as an ordinance worker in the Oakland temple. When I learned he went once a week, I requested that I join him. I did ordinance work, and after a while I saw a display with slips of paper in front of the clothing counter, asking if I would like to volunteer to serve as an ordinance worker. I considered the opportunity, and I applied to be an ordinance worker. My dad thought that I was crazy for taking the role of service. Usually older people do ordinance work. When I received the call in the mail, I was more excited than my mission calling. I was first invited to be a volunteer. The main difference between a volunteer and an ordinance worker is that ordinance workers work once a week, and volunteers work every other week. After some time, I applied to be an ordinance worker again. I served for a least a two years until I did not return to California during my off track semesters at BYU Idaho.
I tried to serve in the Rexburg Temple, but my application was not followed up on until my last semester. Jessica and I served as recorders. We would scan all of the ordinance cards into the system.
One thing that I learned from my application is to not be afraid of long-term commitments especially if it is with God. He will sustain you. Commit to follow the prompting of the spirit. Be bold enough to do them even though it is not normal according to your peers. Be willing to change your lifestyle.
Jesus Christ would visit temples dedicated to God regularly. I would encourage you to apply to be an ordinance worker or volunteer in the temple. The Oakland Temple is always understaffed. There is a work for you to do in the temple. I know that the Oakland Temple will be closed soon for a substantial amount of time, but there are other temples that we can serve at. Don't be afraid of long-term spiritual commitments. Be bold enough to follow the spirit, and be bold enough to change your lifestyle.
The second principle that I would like to expound on from the story of Christ's childhood is that Christ always testified of his father in Heaven. As I pondered, reading the scriptures, I am impressed to share this passage of scripture before I expound on the nature of Heavenly Father. In 2 Nephi 31:5-12, it says the following concerning the example of Christ:

5 And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfil all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!  
6 And now, I would ask of you, my beloved brethren, wherein the Lamb of God did fulfil all righteousness in being baptized by water?  
7 Know ye not that he was holy? But notwithstanding he being holy, he showeth unto the children of men that, according to the flesh he humbleth himself before the Father, and witnesseth unto the Father that he would be obedient unto him in keeping his commandments.  
‎8 Wherefore, after he was baptized with water the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove.  
9 And again, it showeth unto the children of men the straitness of the path, and the narrowness of the gate, by which they should enter, he having set the example before them.  
10 And he said unto the children of men: Follow thou me. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, can we follow Jesus save we shall be willing to keep the commandments of the Father?  
11 And the Father said: Repent ye, repent ye, and be baptized in the name of my Beloved Son.  
12 And also, the voice of the Son came unto me, saying: He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father give the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, follow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.  

The second concept from the New Testament story that I would like to expound on is that Jesus Christ said that he should have been known to be doing his father's business. Jesus always testified of his Father in Heaven all-throughout his life; therefore, I would like to teach about their relationship. Before the creation of earth, we lived as spirit children with our Heavenly Father. A main difference between us and God is that Father in Heaven had a body of flesh and bone, and we did not have a body of flesh and bone. Father is a perfect complete person. He took care of us with the greatest love. There came a point where Father gathered up all his children for a grand council. Father presented to his children the plan that they may obtain a body and be tried and tested until their death to prove our faithfulness to our covenants that they may obtain their blessings and life in the Kingdom of Heaven. We shouted with joy at this opportunity. The state of mortality on Earth is such that the veil blocks the heavens, giving us true agency. We are living in the world, and Satan has developed it in a way to test our limits, attempting to destroy our agency. We need to find the truth that comes from God the Father. In the grand council, Satan tried to be the mediator between God and man; however, Father knew that his Beloved Son could only become the true mediator.
We need a mediator because Heavenly Father is a just person. He cannot allow fallen man to dwell in his kingdom. Christ needed to qualify himself that he may execute mercy by performing the atonement. He endured the pains of all men, and overcome the world. It is the Father's plan that we may obtain the blessings of Heaven by taking upon us covenants. One of which is baptism which Christ showed is necessary to do by the priesthood authority that John the Baptist had. Covenants require faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that he is our Savior and our advocate to the Father. Repentance is necessary to rid ourselves from the stains of the world to become born again a new creature in Christ Jesus. Another word for covenant is ordinance. Ordinance work is performed in the temple for our dead ancestors and ourselves that all mankind may have an opportunity to choose the way of the Gospel. Higher covenants have existed from the beginning of time that we may have assurances from the Holy Ghost. Our most cherished covenant is the sealing covenant of marriage. This covenant secures our family together by covenant that we may have peace that our families will not be lost. This is the Father's plan that we have joy in time and all eternity to repent of our sins, partake in covenants, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost that we may have personal revelation and the companionship of the comforter on our path back home to dwell with Father in Heaven and his Beloved Son.
I wish that you may feel the witness within me that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, restoring the Gospel in its fullness to the world. Jesus Christ is mighty to save all mankind, and temple ordinance work is a necessary step to that process. God the Father loves us dearly. He still takes care of us with the utmost love. He is in the details of our lives, and he hears your prayers.

Yesterday morning, when I gargled salt water, I spat out part of my throat, so I sound very deep and raspy. I was very worried that people would not understand me. I almost had Jessica read my speech for me. The crew member did not come.
Work was chill on Friday. I basically did my normal routine. On Friday evening, we prepared to visit my family because they bought us a bread machine. I had prepared all of the ingredients in a container before we left, and all I had to do is add water. My family did not receive the bread as a gift as I expected. They ate the bread with honey. I was hoping that we would have a breakfast out of the loaf that I made; French Toast, White Sauce, or eggs on toast.
When I arrived in Santa Cruz, I went to Best Buy to pick up Trevor. Best buy got reorganized, so he wanted to show me how his department expanded in size. He showed me rather quickly, and we drove to Moran Lake Beach, Santa Cruz for a Capitola Ward Elders’ Quorum Barbecue. John Day and I caught up. He used to live in the Campbell ward, so we are good friends. I asked about the projects that he is working on because I know that he is a contractor. He said that he has been working on a bathroom remodel. I learned that his wife grew up in our stake. When I got dinner, I asked dad how his week was. He said that it was crazy because the water heater started leaking water as Trevor was taking a shower. Their fake wood floors were damaged. The water heater was not fixed properly as I discovered during my shower Friday night the water was barely lukewarm.
We planned to go shop at an Asian market Saturday in San Jose, and mom did not want Trevor to come because he is contentious; however, he joined us. Jessica stayed at the house to work on her talk. I asked mom all of the things that she wanted to get at the market, and I put together a shopping list on Google Keep, sharing it to both mom and Trevor. Trevor liked the efficiency of knowing beforehand what mom wants, getting competitive as well, gathering all of the items. Mom admitted that some times are good with Trevor.
After grocery shopping, Jessica and I helped mom cook spring rolls. We also unpacked Pad Thai and Chow Fun rice noodles. I cooked ground pork, grated carrots, and unpackaged spring roll wraps. Mom cooked the inside ingredients of silver noodles, beans sprouts, and grated carrots as Jessica and I unpacked the spring roll wraps. I fried the spring rolls as Jessica and mom wrapped in inside ingredients. I was surprised that Jessica was able to wrap the spring rolls as well as mom. "Our customer" as mom alluded to them arrived an hour late.
Today is Sunday, and I have never received so many compliments on my talk. I felt sweaty and nervous as I spoke because I didn't follow my written talk as well as last time. I think that I spoke simply about the doctrine of the godhead, relating it to the need to participate in covenants more simply that what I originally wrote. I said that we need to take upon ourselves covenants in order to receive the mercy from Jesus Christ.
Trevor has gotten into the season of fall cleaning, and he carried out a printer out of his room. A couple days ago Jessica said that she wanted a printer for Christmas. I carried the printer down the stairs and said "Merry Christmas." Mom had dad grab the old ink cartridges that have never been used and plenty of printer paper. I was surprised that the printer worked without having to install drivers. Maybe the computer already installed them, since my laptop is HP, and the printer is HP. It is more than twelve years old most likely, and I tested it today, printing well.
