April 24, 2018

On Sunday, Sacrament meeting was special for Jessica and I because we performed a musical number with the ward choir. Most of the sopranos were missing, so Jessica joined them. Them ended up being only one soprano. She felt needed, since she would have a soloist without her. As Sacrament meeting started I was asked if I would like to serve the sacrament with the youth. I fit in the service without confusion. I love serving the sacrament.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

This week was busy too, but I didn't have as much to write about as last week. On Tuesday Jessica filmed me unboxing my bamboo tree from ThermaLeaf. The film, introducing the unboxing part, was not good, so I had to redo it Thursday evening. I think that it is interesting how much better the second session of film than the first. I think that the tree looks good.
On Wendesday we babysat a couple of the Mitchell children. On Friday night I felt it eating something fatty & filling. Our diet is so simple. We only have the following three types of food that we eat: oatmeal, sandwiches, and stir fry. We went to Bellagios' Pizza. After we watched Dispicable Me 3. The next day Jessica and I fulfilled assignment to clean our local chapel. It was Lucas' birthday on Thursday, and I invited him over for a surprise lunch since he was going to help me put our new dresser together. After we watched Avengers: Infinity War. Today I had my first experience, teaching the Valiant 8. They are truly valient. Brother Kuhn is an  exceptional teacher. I was personally asked to bless the sacrament today, and I went out with a Mitchell boy to serve the sacrament to a bed-ridden sister after church. Afterward Jessica & I practiced with the choir.  Now I am riding in my journal. This paragraph was a summary, and now I will expound on each part.
The unboxing Youtube video was not successful, but it doesn't matter. I was only able to convince one person to click on it. I enjoy Unbox Therapy, the YouTube channel. The channel unboxed a technology that I wanted to invent. Do you remember the idea where a mechanical system can harvest water from the moisture in the air? EcoloBlue has the technology, but not my vision. I have put my unboxing video of ThermaLeaf's bamboo tree below. I was able to convince two bloggers to join me, but we will see if they follow through. 

We babysat Luke & Peter Mitchell. Jessica helped Luke with homework as I played basketball with Peter. He wanted to play one on one, but I was to tired & lazy. We played pig and around the world. I lost of course. Peter finished the around the world game in two attempts. We were expected to put them to sleep at 7:30. As we waited for sister Mitchell to return with her daughter, I spoke to Trevor, my little brother, on the phone; then, Jessica and I played the Spot It! card game. I am not good at quick reflex and thinking games, so after losing several games in matter of seconds. I changed the rules instead of finding the match between to cards. I put out ten; then, sixteen cards. Whoever found the most of one symbol after one minute wins. Jessica found five in the first round; however, since she pulled them out before the time ended, and I can see them; we tied. We tied the second round too since we can only spot sets of three. When sister Mitchell arrived, we caught up, hanging out for a little bit. She knows Jessica from her youth.
Bellagios Pizza was amazing; much better than Marco's Cafe. Their 19 dollar service filled Jessica and I rather than Marco's 19 dollar dish filled my stomach thirty percent. We ordered the Mother Earth by phone; then, we walked there as they baked it. The first bold flavor was the mozzarella cheese. Since the cheese was unique, the taste was incredible. The mozzarella cheese made the first slice so delightful that I didn't taste any of the other ingredients. I was grateful for three more slices to enjoy the artichoke. Jessica underestimated the artichoke, but we loved it. The creative options of Bellagios Pizza makes it my favorite pizza joint.
We watched Despicable Me 3 after. I loved the story and the humor, but Jessica was over it after about ten minutes or less. I would not say that it is as good as Leap!, Ratatouille, or Meet the Robinson's because the content was not uplifting and inspiring.
Since I am writing about movies, I will write about Avengers: Infinity War. I had low expectations, since the hype has been for so long that I didn't care. I don't care for movies anyways. I wish that film makers should quit making the 'must see' movies because I never finish the movie feeling inspired. I wish that I could quit watching them, but my wife loves cinematics too much. The story is not creative or compelling. Thanos is still a shallow character. Brute strength and overbearance doesn't lead to success. Humor and emotions don't make a good movie. I think that people love the movie because it is telling the story of Marvel Comics. What are they going to decide on? ...
The lunch that Jessica and I prepared for Jasmine and Lucas prior to the movie and assembling  our dresser did surprise Lucas & Jasmine; although, I said that we are having a surprise lunch for them. We made them my favorite sandwiches with our homemade bread. Jessica is the avocado master, and she thinks her avocado spread made it mind blowing. Lucas said that it was surprisingly as satisfying as a meat dish. We never plan cook ourselves meat. The large heavy bread was the first impressive feature of the sandwich. I showed him that the bread is so dense that you can squish the slice of bread, and it would not be ruined.
Lucas brought his tools, and we were able to get most of our new Ikea dresser put together. It was nice to work together. I was able to practice leadership.
Brother Kuhn and I did not know what was going in Primary today, since I have not been in Primary for years. I asked for guidance as I saw Brother Kuhn sit himself in the junior singing and sharing time. When we met the Valiant 8 children, we introduced ourselves. One named Ari is in Jessica's Cub Scout Pack. Skye is the daughter of the Elders Quorum member that I spoke to at the Mitchell's new member occasion. McKelle is the sister of Syndie, the little girl who I played with at the Mitchell's. McKelle & Syndie are the daughters of the Taylors. A while ago I said the Sister Taylor served with my brother in Ecuador. Ari, Skye, & Mckell were in Brother Kuhn and l's first class. Brother Kuhn had a charm of humor as he told of Jacob and Esau, which was engaging.
Although Jessica & I arrived a minute late for sacrament, I was still asked to bless the sacrament. I have not blessed the sacrament in a long time. The act of breaking the bread was symbolic of Christ's body. His broken flesh & suffering was part of his atoning sacrifice. I blessed the water, representing Christ's blood. Jesus taught his disciples that we would be blessed, if we ate his flesh and drank his blood. He was alluding to the sacrament, a most sacred ordinance. Ordinances most of the time are covenants. Covenants need performed to be performed with the Priesthood in order to be in force; for this reason, Jesus went to John the Baptist to be baptized. Jesus said to him. "Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness." The baptism that he took upon himself is a covenant, creating a contractual relationship with Heavenly Father. The covenant is that you will be given eternal life, if you are obedient to his commandments as he reveals to his prophets. Heavenly Father's lifestyle is eternal life, and he loves us as his children so much that he desires to give us all that he has. Eternal life is life in his presence for eternity as well as our children with us like father like son unto all our future and previous generation, a way for his children to return home. Jesus Christ had to covenant with Heavenly Father in order to return to his kingdom too. The sacrament is the most important ordinance because it renews all of one's covenants.

2 May 2018

Today is Wednesday. On Tuesday I made my first cycling friend. We rode the elevator down to Portland a previous time, so I introduced myself to her. I spoke to another sister, but I didn't introduce myself because I did not know her from a previous occasion. She was a resident doctor at a hospital. The girl that I meet yesterday is named Cara. She is also a medical student, learning physical therapy. When I left to conversation, cycling toward Portland, we both stopped at a stop light. I didn't know that she was behind me, but she bid me farwell by name a she departed on a different path.
Last night I double checked whether I am consuming enough protein, since I don't cook myself meat. I learned that I need grams of protein equal to 36% of my body mass in pounds. It calculates to almost 50 grams. I get about 13.5 grams of protein per cup that I eat of oats, 14.3 for each cup of brown rice, and 9 per serving of soy milk. My calculation comes out to be almost sixty grams with 1.5 cups of oats, 2 cups of brown rice, & a serving of soy milk.
My dad revealed that he was the one person that watched my ThermaLeaf video an Sunday. He gave me the honest opinion that it was not interesting. I did not attempt to make it interesting because the subject is not interesting. I commented on my Twitter post on Facebook that my father is my best supporter, inspiring eleven other people to view it. Aaron McKinnon commented on the post "Keep at it! Super cool." He probably helped too.
I have been thinking of making a lifestyle/cycling video blog as a passive income. I asked my apartment manager if I would get credit for referral to the apartment. I am thinking about doing a video about my favorite part of the complex, the bike lounge. It is very nice.
