26 February 2019

When I arrived to work, I was surprised to hear that management arranged for me to inspect the completion of RDH's site visit report items. Foreman has never arranged for me to go down the Hydro mobile lift to verify QC items until today. They did take me down to document the first-in-place stone sill installation though.

The crew that took me down the Hydro mobile from floor 15 to 5 was excited to work with me. Kyle & Damin Junior took down with Damin Senior. Damin Senior always says that he wants to set stone with me. I worked with the Damins In California.

People seem to be valuing my work more. Hoffman inquired about my QC reports for the last two days. They actually said that I am doing a good job.

I am happy that we are able to report that we completed the RDH SVR items before we received the report, and I reported their completion within a few hours after the RDH report was forwarded to me.

Trevor, my little brother, called me right at the end of my work as I finished my response to the RDH Report. We talked about tech, friends, and so forth.

I remembered to mail Jessica & I's Passport applications. My work at the project across the street got me instantly on terms with the passport guy at USPS. He set me up with my applications, making things simple.

I practiced taking care of cats today. Jessica usually does it, but she is working nearly twelve hours as a babysitter today.

The job was simple. I fed them a couple hours late, but everything went late today. Taking care of cats is simple. The standards of taking care of a cat by our instruction are the following:

- give 1/6 cup of food twice a day

- serve clean drinking water once a day

- a clean the litter box; guessing twice a day

- Jessica threw out the cat litter yesterday. She said to do that twice a week; I believe.

Today I wrote the following in my scripture study journal:

'The phrase “I never knew you” in Matthew 7:23 was changed in the Joseph Smith Translation to “Ye never knew me” (Matthew 7:23, footnote a).' (Come, follow me) [Questions are from the same section.]

How does this change help you better understand what the Lord taught in verses 21–22 about doing His will? 

A doctrinal change is given, for the King James Translation says that Jesus Christ only knows the people, who are faithful to the gospel; however, it is the opposite. Only people, who are faithful to the gospel, truly know Jesus Christ.

How well do you feel you know the Lord? 

I think that I know him well. I read Jesus the Christ by Elder Talmage and the New Testament to learn of his life.

What can you do to know Him better?

I can learn of him more by practicing his attributes; then, I can learn of his thought patterns.
