Finally Caught Up: 27 December 2018 to 10 February 2019

December 27, 2019

Today my morning routine was off because of my new habits that I am trying to form, but I was ahead of schedule because I started my routine yesterday.
My operations manager asked for the quantities of our work so far for the Multnomah County Central Court House. The calculation of square footage is easy, but I have thousands of Kingspan insulation footage to count. I was working on this all day. I still have four more elevations to calculate.
I went back to my Thai language app ex, Master Ling, to learn how to use the question words, which I learned in another app, but he didn't answer my question. I know that he told me before.
When I was biking home today, I counted up to ninety-nine in Thai. It takes thinking, but it is simple.

December 28, 2019

This morning Jessica read from Luke, saying that Christ sent out his disciples two by two to preach and do his works. I thought that it was odd that he told them that they can only carry a staff, wearing sandals and one coat. Why would Jesus have his missionaries only carry a staff? Maybe it is a cultural thing. It is most likely cultural. Do you have any ideas? I makes me think about Christ being the bread and staff of life.
The completion of calculating the square footage installed at the Multnomah County Central Court House was quicker than expected this morning. Having so many things to do, I spoke to my project manager to discover what is most important. Eclad only that day gave us the information for composing the mullion cut tickets in order to complete the mullion fabrication for the rest of the building; however, I quickly found that the information was incomplete.
On my bike ride home I looked up how to say hundred in Thai. The word for hundred is “roy,” but, of course, one has to pronounce the R like an Asian, barely saying the sound yet with a slight roll of the R. It is a little odd to say ha roy sam sip bad, which literally means five hundred three ten eight, but it works. It means 538. I can count up to 999 now.

December 29, 2019

Today is Saturday. I am surprised that I was able to do some of my new cleaning habits, and I actually left earlier than usual this morning before leaving to serve at the temple. I usually simplify the tasks of preparation, being a little messy.
I introduced myself to a new ordinance worker. When I said that I served my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jamaica, I was told that he served the people that settled Jamaica, serving in Africa. He called them Kenyan. He said that many Jamaican return to visit their family in Kenya. I heard on my mission that England colonized the Jamaican country temporarily.
Lucas Rodgers came this afternoon at two. He almost came an hour and a half early, but we had a lot of work to do to prepare the apartment. We might be ready to host a game night.
We actually did have a game night, and Jasmine joined us. Jessica, Lucas, and I played a three way game of Magic, the trading card game. I dominated at first, since my deck was shuffled well. My fortress developed quickly, summoning a colossal 6/6 dinosaur. I also enchanted it, striking Jessica with the first blow. She actually boosted her health to 23, so she had it coming. The dinosaur had trample, and the enchantment raised the strength to 9/9; furthermore, I summoned a spell, growing the dinosaur to a "titanic" size. It attacked with 13/13. Her creature deflected my attack, reducing the damage count to ten. I primarily focused my attacks on Jessica because she was a greater threat. I could have defeated her early, but I wanted to have more fun. Jessica took the most damage; of course, but she healed herself a lot. When Lucas and Jessica developed their fortress more, Jessica killed my dinosaur. That severely weakened my offense. We joked that it would be funny if Lucas won, but he said that he spared my life to enjoy the game like I thought the same in the beginning for Jessica. I did defeat Jessica, and I attempted to defeat Lucas in the same turn. My offense left my resources depleted, and Lucas had plenty of monsters & resources to destroy my fortress & efforts. He was astonished by the result of the game.
It had been two months since Lucas seen Jasmine. Lucas' trials had humbled him permanently, and Jasmine expressed that she deeply desired to join the game night. She saw the conclusion of the magic game, and we played a round of, the face card game, golf. It was a very close game, but I did win.
When Lucas first saw me as I opened the gate to the apartments, he was very emotional, since it has been similarly as long as he has not seen me like Jasmine. Lucas explained how he has humbled himself, repenting. He spoke very eloquently. His countenance was different.
Lucas asked for time to speak to Jasmine at the end of the evening, and we let them talk in our apartment because a private location for counseling together was hard for them to find. Jessica and I left to hang out in the lobby. When they said that they were done, we saw them holding hands, a joyous scene as they endured a most bitter period of time.

December 30, 2019

Sunday was busy.
Brother Kuhn taught our last lesson with the Valiant 9. He can be very explicit in his lessons, describing the atrocities of Nineveh. Jonah did not love the people that he was called to serve; however, the Nineveh people loved each other. Being led by their King, half of the city repented, hearkening to the word of God. As Jonah did not believe any humbled themselves, he prepared to witness the destruction of the city on a hill near the city, for God gave him forty days. The story is a testament of the power of member missionary work.
The previous day our neighbor, Margaret, invited us over because she had a gift. We meet with her after church, talking to her for about an hour. She gave us miniature table cloth. It had a creative design, having birds on a lemon tree. Our conversation was open and wholesome. She said that she renewed her contract at the apartments primarily because we are good friends. She has felt more light in her life, since we have been here.

December 31, 2019

Today is New Year's Eve. I did many loads of laundry, getting the apartment more in order. We were waiting all morning because Jasmine and Lucas were going to come over to complete some courses for Lucas' job. After Lucas finished two courses, we went to watch Aquaman with John.
I really enjoyed Aquaman. The villains were well developed. The humor was pure and great. I like that it did not take itself too seriously, yet the lessons of the movie related to moviegoers, inspiring their minds. I can't say that about most of Disney's Marvel films. Most Disney Marvel's villains are not well developed, and they takes itself too serious. I am actually more interested in DC than Marvel now. I don't care about Captain Marvel & Avengers: Endgame, but I am interested in Shazam. I think that the super-hero audience should turn their attention to DC rather than the new phase of Marvel films.
We were thinking of going to Wunderland in Beaverton, but we spaced out all evening until midnight. When we first got to the Ledesma's, I did help Jessica with the puzzle a little bit. Jessica & I did have good times dancing to Colombian music, but it did not last hours like in South America. More than two hours was personal time rather than family.

January 1, 2019

Today I stayed home all day, finishing laundry.
I was trying to catch up on completing my journal entries. Most of them are almost complete.
I started learning the vowels of the Thai language for the first time. Drops is a little confusing, but it keeps me consistent.
Jessica & I are trying to decide how to use the new "Come, follow me" manual. This week did not have a reading assignment. We decided on goals to make our home more gospel centered. Jessica decided to read the Book of Mormon, following President Nelson's Womens' Conference Commitment. I decided to continue reading the Book of Mormon based of President Thomas Monson's final conference talk a while back, committing myself to discuss the Book of Mormon daily with Jessica. We also decided to counsel after church on Sunday on how we will apply "Come, follow me" for the coming week. The manual is still new this week, and its application is unclear at this time.

January 2, 2019

This is the only Indian song that I can find that it is organically of their culture that is fun. The ending is odd, which I skip.

This morning cycling story is that a bridge was frosty. There is a second longer bridge that I was worried might be icy, but it was fine.
Today I put pressure on Eclad to information in order to complete the mullion fabrication tickets, and I was surprised that I was able to get result the day of the email. I am not one to put pressure on issued.

January 3, 2019                                                 

Today I complete the mullion cut tickets, starting the assembly tickets.
I rushed home after work because Jessica registered to attend Institute, and I joined her in enrolling for the class.

January 4, 2019

This youth love soap seems to be well developed, but I think that the fantasy of youth love is harmful. I enjoy the song though, which is the reason that I am posting it. It was stuck in my head.

I feel sore. Lately I have been sitting at my desk too much. We have been on a wild goose chase, looking for missing mullions. My project manager asked me to take the elevator to the roof and confirm that they are not there. When I was up there, I got some pictures. They are not professional, but they are unique. The walk of eighteen levels with an average floor height of sixteen feet, coming down, got me sore. I walked up to and from the fourteenth floor to check on welding progress for inspecting too
I did this after completing the mullion assembly tickets.

Tonight we are shopping for a dinner with the missionaries. You may recall that I wrote previously that missionaries in the Portland mission are only allowed to eat dinner with members if they had someone to teach attending. When we called with someone to teach, they said that they don’t eat dinners with members even with a lesson for someone anymore because five to seven is the best time for missionary work in a day. The work is changing faster that I can adapt. We were able to have them over for dinner with Margaret, but I am not going to expound on the supper.

January 7, 2019

Late last week my project manager asked me to develop turnover documentation. I felt unproductive today, since I composed only one simple document, going through five drafts all day, but it is an important one. We need to sign over areas in order to release ourselves of responsibility.
I was able to publish a QC Report by the end of the day.

January 8, 2019

Jessica and I reviewed the suggestion of "fearing not" from 'Come, follow me.' I realized that fearing man and God have opposite effect. The fear of man begets odd actions, but true fear of God inspires righteousness and meekness.
This week I have developed the criteria to sign off a floor; however, my project manager wants me to do it by elevation. I can't even turnover the first floor that we constructed the facade to. I began to sign off the criteria, but it is difficult. This is my thirty-seventh week working onsite.
My goal for the day is to do a QC walk, since I have not done one since the week before Christmas. The hardware installation is excellent, but our water and smoke seal installation is inconsistent.
Jessica had a Cub Scout preparation meeting this evening. Arranging a carpool, she let me stay home to continue organizing the apartment. I have a goal/habit to throw away five things a day. I am starting to have to dig around. Trevor thinks that it is funny, exaggerating it to throwing away all my possessions; then, I would become homeless, picking up trash.
Today was my last day of my ear medication. When I originally brought it home, I was approached by a confused Jessica, examining the medication. It was eye medication. I went back to the urgent care doctor, and she said that the medication will still work to resolve my small ear infection. I took me a couple months to realize that the infection was not going away without medication. I did not hurt that much.

January 9, 2019

I worked on composing Quality Control Reports. There were two three day weeks, and I did not have time assemble documentation for reports for two short weeks. I am preparing a report for both three day weeks, and I also began the QC report for last week.
Conversing with engineers/a company to resolve a request for information is interesting. All stakeholders come with very different perspectives. If our operation and mindset are similar, we would be competitors rather than a client or customer. We would not hire them, if we did not need their product. The company would not have a product, if it did not resolve a designer’s need; therefore, none of the entities have similar operations because they would not be needed otherwise. If they do, they would be competitors and not work with each other. Don't expect people who operate differently to understand and agree. They will approach things differently, and each entity's service is needed to complete the project/product. The incorporation of each entity's contribution is the key to resolving issues according to my experience today. We need people to provide different services and products, or we would all be competitors, not working together. The unity of many entities results in a product/project that one entity or many like-minded individuals who compete cannot create. The combination of entities to resolve an issue will achieve a bigger picture success. The owner/customer typically needs and provides the means for bigger picture success. They may not know what they need/want, but the bigger picture success will be needed. The collaboration of many unique entities can achieve the things, where no individual understands all parts. This collaboration requires skill and critical thinking. It requires human inaction and an exchange of thoughts.

January 10, 2019

Thursdays are crazy because we go to Institute.
Today was a good day for Quality Control at work. Hoffman wanted to go over all of the site visit report items. We closed many items, and discussed candidly on how to move the rest of the items forward. When I had a lot of pressure to resolve them. I felt paralyzed. My best effort was not developing the documentation, proving their completion. I would try to analyze each item to ensure that I understood them correctly, figuring out how to complete them.

January 11, 2019

Today I did a quantity take off for the connection plates of the Eclad mullions. When my operation manager looked at the quantity, he was surprised at the high amount.
My laptop was shutting off randomly a couple weeks ago. Our IT service provider said that the battery is causing the laptop to shut down. I got a new battery on Tuesday, and the computer only shut down randomly once, when I was using the laptop without a battery during the two weeks. (Did you know that you can use your laptop without a battery?) It started shutting off again with a new battery, and Elcor is going to fix it at their facilities.

January 12, 2019

Serving in the temple, I got to engage in friendships more. The brother, who served in Africa, is the owner a concrete contracting company, and we talk construction. A brother from institute is slowly engaging e-commerce, and I follow up with that, since I know a little bit about it.
In the evening Alex Meldrum & Lucas came over for a game night. We played "Tower of Madness." Its theme is similar to Betrayal, but it is not as explicit. Jessica totally dominated. Alex & I were thinking about doing the alternate way of winning, but we were not deliberate enough to change the course of the game.

January 14, 2019

Today was slow because I transferred my files to another work laptop.
Mary's life in raising Jesus Christ is very limited, but her example of pondering her child's life is emphasized. Two scripture references in Luke say "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) "His mother kept all these sayings in her heart." (Luke 2:51) Mary probably told Christ's disciples her account, saying that she did not understand at first, but she came to understand over time by pondering. Pondering is a key to revelation from Holy Ghost.
Joseph F. Smith is a testament of this precept, for he wrote "As I pondered over these things which are written, the eyes of my understanding were opened, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me," (D&C 138:11) I am a pondering person too, and I would like to add my testimony to this principle. My truths are realized through thinking. I know this not sympathetic; however sometimes, when I hear people struggle on receiving answers, I ponder 'If you just think about it, the answer will come. It doesn't have to take years.' Maybe I have a gift of the Spirit.

January 15, 2019

The Multnomah County Central Court House is currently being evacuated because a natural gas line broke. Since this is the case, I am writing in my journal.
This morning Jessica and I discussed our impressions of individuals, who had interactions with the newly born Jesus. Mary inspired me. We read about how she would ponder the previous day.
Cycling home from work today, I was socially pleased to enjoy my first experience, where I recognized a fellow cyclist. I was surprised to see Steve, a ward choir member, pass me.

17 January 2019

Today I was working on getting caught up on the QC reports. My work on it was odd because I thought that I really needed to work on catching up on productivity, since I finally got the productivity pictures, and I also thought of the need to work on the QC items, since I finally got good feedback.
My CEO asked me about production later in the day, so I think that it was good that I caught up on productivity.

18 January 2019

Today I did a survey of all the remaining connection plates to weld completely. My new laptop is more bulky than the previous, and my arm started hurting. It took me all day.
19 January 2019

In Habitica, there is a feature called Tavern, where you take a vacation somewhat. I put my character in the tavern, since the nineteenth is our date night, because we were married on the 19th of March, 2016. Those who read my journal probably read about this monthly. The tavern in Habitica stops damage from missed daily tasks. I was busy all day.
I got to the temple at 6 AM. Jessica & I attended the 1 PM endowment; then, we did sealings. In the evening, we ate at Gastro Mania. After we watched Solo: A Star Wars Story.
Gastromania was so good. It made me feel like I have been deprived all my life. It is probably because there was a lot of oil on my dish. The grilled octopus was incredible.
The Hans Solo movie was good. The characters were all well-developed except for Hans Solo. Everything seems to come so intuitively & easy for him that it is ridiculous.

20 January 2019

We did a Family Home Evening, discussing the light of the world, in a dark room.
I am disappointed that I am trying to remember Monday on Saturday.
I implemented an idea to split my Habitica tasks among my two accounts because my personal account was progressing too fast for my party. I put my home tasks on my home family account, which is on my tablet, and my mobile tasks are on my phone & personal account. I am a healer in my family account, which is good, because we are taking damage in our current quest.

25 January 2019

We are trying to complete up to the slab of level 10 this weekend, so I scheduled the remaining inspections for Monday.
Jessica said that she wants to make pizza, so we are figuring that out to night.

26 January 2019

Today was an awesome day! My service in the temple was productive. A temple coordinator told me last week, when I feel comfortable with the first stage of my initiatory training, I could tell him that I am ready for the next stage. Since I knew the ordinance from my service in the Oakland temple, I was able complete my training yesterday.
Last week Jessica said that she wanted to make pizza. On Friday night I had our bread machine prepare the dough, and we baked it at 6 PM with Jasmine & Lucas. It was a good thing that Lucas' brother worked at a pizzeria. It was rough working with the dough. We bought tomato sauce, cheese, pineapple, and Canadian bacon. WinCo only had a 12" pizza pan while the recipe said that it works with a 16'' pan. It turned out very well. One thing that I liked is that it did not burn my mouth. It is annoy how hot pizza straight out of the oven typically burns my mouth.
We went to stake conference in the evening. The third awesome thing of this day is that I ran into a couple alumni, who I am friends with. We were able to catch up, which was exciting.

28 January 2019
Last night was crazy because I found a random phone in the middle of the road, cycling home. The screen was damaged, but it was not cracked. The phone was oddly receiving many calls from a gym, which was not answered by a person when I returned the call. Another phone number called when I arrived home, and I answered the call. It was the husband of the phone's owner. I sensed fear and precaution in their voices. I arranged for them to meet me at my apartments. When the lady arrived, she was grateful to have her phone returned, but she told her story to a neighbor. The phone was stolen from the gym locker. The thief cut her lock. I suspect that they could not access full functionality of the phone, and they threw it out the window.
We pondered the cleansing effect of water and fire/heat, learning about how ovens clean themselves. The method is to burn the contents to easily wipe-able carbon with excessive heat. The receiving of the gift of the Holy Ghost is also known as the baptism of fire, cleansing our soul.
Jessica and I spoke of cleaning things with water. If people don't continually clean their dishes, they could get sick. Uncleanliness can represent sin, but what are the spiritual illnesses? I thought of doubt, pride, and entitlement. These spiritual illnesses are contagious, but man can develop them in isolation, if they are not careful. Man tend to forget their faith without the continue effort of cleansing their soul.
The best way is through faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, and baptism by immersion in the church, having the authority to administer the ordinances of salvation. That is the initial cleansing of the gospel, but man need to continually sanctify themselves by following the covenant path, leading to the temple ordinances. The sacrament is a weekly ordinance, renewing all of an individual's covenants. Faithfulness to this practice is most important to remaining clean. Nurturing their knowledge of God by reading the scriptures is another key to feeling the spirit and maintain our spiritual immune system to doubt, pride, and entitlement. Daily prayer and remaining faithful to the commandments of God are other keys to retaining our spiritual immune system. I am realizing that maintaining our immune system can be represented by our temple recommend or testimony. Let's continue to work on our personal spiritual cleanliness.

29 January 2019

I am thinking that reading about my work is boring. I scheduled all of the remaining inspections for the slab of floor ten down today because we committed to complete it last weekend, but the commitment may have been unrealistic. We completed only about five of twenty-six.
The field is developing quality control turnover standards, and I am composing them, starting the documentation this afternoon.

30 January 2019

I was distracted by mullion needs today, but I accomplished my goals at work. Goals seem to be different from responsibility. My responsibility has reflected in construct documentation, and it is incomplete. Procrastination compounds work.

31 January 2019

Today was busy. I am surprised tomorrow is Friday. The week has gone by fast. I went on a QC walk with SRG, RDH, & HCC.
The walk was brief. They pointed out some good things.
We went to institute in the evening. The lesson was a most inspiring one about missionary work. I learned that people are more receptive when people are 100% a missionary. My casual attempts have felt overbearing or not authentic. People tend get defensive when I approach people about the church, having "two" sides or an awkward attempt. A missionary perhaps "fake" side, which rarely comes out, and my personal example. I tend to be a listening type of person with an accepting & comforting humor. I try to be interested in people being a true uplifting friend.

1 February 2019

Cycling home in the rain, I bike mostly up hill. Shoe covers & waterproof bicycle pants work great at keeping what they protect dry; however, I question waterproof cycling jackets. What is the use? I get home soaked anyways; instead of water, my shirt is drenched in sweat. It only makes sense if your bike ride is chill.

2 February 2019

The temple is closed for maintenance for a few weeks, so I have time to write in my journal.
Habitica kept me focused for a couple weeks. I was incredibly productive, but the shine of the new me wore off. I may be because I pushed my limit too much. My habits are different and more consistent due to Habitica, but I let some things slide. The apartment is half clean, an F; maybe, but it is better than before.
I felt inspired to start a new blog about two weeks ago. I call it 'Once Upon a Precept' because the line upon line or precept upon precept Blogger URL was very popular basically any combination of those phrases are taken already. It is a daily blog because it is my scripture study journal. I have over 300 entries on my Ids account, and I thought that I basically have an unlimited source of content, which I do. I think that 'Come, follow me' keeps my content more current. I like to edit my notes to make it easier to read & understand. Some articles I may get carried away with, but I like to keep them simple, since it is daily.
I want to make my journal blog daily too, since I know that I can post daily now.
One thing that I have been writing about is my practice of counting in Thai. I reached up to 999 in my last update. I can count up to 9,999,999 now. Thai is interesting because there is a word for ten thousand & one hundred thousand. I developed a way for me to remember the order and name of each number. The learning aid is inspired or chosen because PMS exists. I don't know what it is. All I know is that it is a girl thing, and it messes with their emotions. I also add an R to the left, and an L on the right of PMS; RPMSL. Some things are backwards in the Thai language, so R, standing for 'right' hand, and L for 'left' hand is backward. L is not on the left, and R is not on the right of the acronym PMS. R stands for 100, which is pronounced Roy. The 'R' is rolled, but it is a very quick one. P stands for the word phan, which is 1000. The H is less emphasized. The ph does not make an F sound, or you will bring your significant other into your high digit numbers. 10,000 is pronounced 'muen'. The U is weird in this word. I don't know an English word to illustrate the sound. 'San' is the word for 100,000 dollars. That word is simple, and 1,000,000 is simple too as it is pronounced 'Lan'. I like to practice the number 1,234,567 or ,๒๓๔,๕๖๗. It is pronounced Neng Lan Song San Sam Muen Si Phan Ha Roy Hok Sip Jet.

= 1 (Neng)

,๐๐๐,๐๐๐ = one million (Lan)

= 2 (Song)

๑๐๐,๐๐๐ = one hundred thousand (San)

= 3 (Sam)

๑๐,๐๐๐ = ten thousand (Muen)

= 4 (Si)

,๐๐๐ = one thousand (Phan)

= 5 (Ha)

๑๐๐ = one hundred (Roy)

= 6 (Hok)

๑๐ = ten (Sib)

= 7 (jet)

R (100)

P (1,000)

M (10,000)

S (100,000)

L (1,000,000)

I actually think counting in Thai is more simple than English. Many things are simpler in Thai.
Today we had a lot of laundry to fold. Jasmine & Lucas visited for about an hour & half before we went to visit Alex Meldrum for a game night. We made pizza for the second weekend.
The bread machine that prepared the dough last weekend did not sound good during the process. I think that is because I used wheat flour instead of baking white flour. The dough was thicker than the recipe's design, causing the gears in the machine to skip. I was thinking of putting an extra quarter cup of water, so it won't skip. I ended up putting an extra half cup. This dough did not cause the gears to skip, but it was very sticky. We made a Hawaiian pizza, putting crushed pineapple and Canadian bacon on it. We bake it for about 20 minutes, and I like how it does not come out scolding hot.

We played Fireball Island with Alex. He brought it twice to my apartment, but we didn't play it until yesterday. I think that this game is the most fun thus far.

4 February 2019

Today no one had something urgent for me to do, so I walked all the floors to see what inspections that I need to do. I have been so busy. My inspection tracker was a little outdated. I plan to do 60 inspections this week.

5 February 2019

Cycling in the snow to work this morning, I felt my heart beat race because the road was a little slippery. The snow made my usually chill morning bike ride into an adrenaline, extreme sport. Someone called me brave.
I received the updated documentation to complete the assembly & cut tickets from Eclad this morning. When I was about to release them, I realized that some errors were not resolved.
I scheduled 29 welding inspections for today, but 15 failed due to our welder being sloppy.
When I biked home, I could rarely the spot snow on the roads, but it remained on tree branches, highlighting the beauty of the scenery. The snow accented the depth of nature. These experiences remind me of my desires to be a landscape painter. I wish that God is collecting the paintings of my heart.

6 February 2019

Today I was thinking about how I love writing so much that I looked up writing jobs on Craigslist; then, I realized that my job is so writing oriented that I basically already have a writing.
Cycling the day after snow is more dangerous than the day of the snow because water freezes. I did see ice, riding my bike to work, but it was easy to avoid. I spoke to a cyclist girl, and she said that she slipped yesterday on the snow day, and I said that I slipped, hitting my hip last year, the day after snow.
I completed some assembly tickets but not all because my information has discrepancies.

7 February 2019

I was told yesterday to do turnover inspections for level nine down today. I did floor eight and nine. The climate is very cold. I haven't recovered, yet my lunch in my generously warm cubicle is an hour long. I think that only one of fourteen elevations passed; if that.
PSI did two levels of torque inspections too.

8 February 2019

I completed the interior turnover forms up to level 9 today. The climate was so cold that my heartbeat got off rhythm. I didn't feel well for an hour or so.
In the evening Jessica & I watched "Mary & the Witch's Flower. The film felt like it was only thirty minutes long. That may be a sign of how good as well as how simple it is. The characters and story are all very simple. "The Little Broomstick," the book which the film is based on, must be for children. I think that this movie would be great for children.

9 February 2019

Today is yet another Saturday, and I want to attempt again to publish at least forty days of journal entries.
Last week I rediscovered a secret to deeper sleep, which most people would not want to deal with. During high school an Olympian visited my "promising" cross country team. I became inspired to become a health freak by his teaching; however, my sleeping secret is not learned from him. He taught the class that no matter what we do; we will wake up dehydrated from sleep; therefore, we need to drink a lot of water in the morning. This tells me that our body utilizes a lot of water in the highly beneficiary process of sleep. Sleep is most glorious when an individual goes to sleep early and wakes up early. I expect most people would reject my idea; however, I found that drinking a large glass of water or two until I feel hydrated will make my rest more deep and vivid. When I wake up in the night to use the restroom, I feel rested. I do not suggest turning on the bathroom lights or any lights, and don't look at your phone. This is crazy I know. I wake up in the middle of the night finding that I have hours more to sleep; plus, I already feel great. Drink another large glass of water and go back to sleep. I may wake up a second time to do the same thing, but I have another glorious nap before the alarm goes off. I let go of this habit last week, and a lack of hydration weakens my sleep. Water is like the energy source for deeper sleep for me. I also use water to help keep myself awake during the day, if I was not punctual on sleep. Last night I was so excited to write about this, since I have time today, that it messed with my sleep, but I still slept deeply.
Today I did my taxes. The only thing that I confirm how much that I invested in my Roth IRA. I might as well delete it, since I am not getting any benefit from reporting it.
One thing that may seem illogical is that I am very public about my life as a blogger, but I use DuckDuckGo, a private browsing and searching; plus, I sell my phone screen to S'more as advertising space for 10 cents a day, and I sell my mobile use data for 5 cents a day with Mobile Performance Meter. I am talking about this because the Brave browser had such a big update that I had to download and install a new browser.
Since I was going to transition to a new browser, I decided to download a browser that that DuckDuckGo has partnered with. The browser is called Vivaldi. My experience so far with Vivaldi feels like Linux because the browser has many customizations; furthermore, Vivaldi has a very large community network. They gave me a new email address, inviting me to blog. It is enticing to start fresh, ditching Google. Vivaldi is based on Chromium. Vivaldi doesn't feel like a corporation trying to squeeze every penny out of me.

10 February 2019

During Sacrament, the ward choir sang 'The Lord is my Shepherd.' Steve and I were the only people that sang bass. Steve is the cyclist that I mentioned previously. I felt like I upheld the bass section. Jessica upheld the Sopranos as there only two as well.
A several weeks ago Jasmine, Lucas, Jessica and I went to Wunderland as we hoped to do on New Year's Eve. Wunderland is a nickel arcade, and it has a movie theater. Wunderland gave each of us two dollars free to play games. Jessica started it off, jumping on a light jump rope game. She lost in like three seconds, but she kept jumping. Jasmine, Lucas, & I watched her jump until she realized that she lost a while ago for fun. There were a lot of silly games that we played like punching ducks and balancing boxes on a platform. I indulged in a couple rounds of racing games. One annoying thing is that I think that the game is programmed to give me third place because I got third both times, and my driving sucked. All four of us challenged each other to a coordination, reflex game. Jessica & I played each other, but we tied. Jessica played a hop scotch game a few times. When we finished, I wanted to treat everyone to watch the movie "Spiderman: Into the Universe"
'Spiderman: Into the Universe' was good, funny, silly, interesting, and cool. Only three of the several spider-men were developed well, and the other were a little too silly and unnecessary. The story and villains were well developed. I recommend it.
Afterward we discovered, the restaurant, 'Sweet Tomato' spontaneously on the way home. We all really liked it. It is an affordable buffet, costing only about 13 dollars per person. It is vegetarian. We all pigged out. I ate at least two luxury big plates of salad; plus, a couple other plates of food. Jessica and I are planning to go there this weekend for Valentine's Day.
I wanted to write about this weekend because it was a full day, and I didn't write about it.
