15 - 17 March 2019

15 March 2019

I have so many things to do at work. I recall having critical thoughts of someone, ignoring a task during my internship two years ago. Hoffman said that my action seems to express that I am ignoring the consultants' QC issues. I have instructed the field on how to resolve all of them, but they are slow to reply. When I do reply promptly, I hope to resolve the issues before they put them on the QC log. We use SmartSheet, and it seems any other communication is ignored; although, we resolved them. There was a time, when we attempted to resolve the items directly, which was ignored too. Who is ignoring who now? I have a week to address each item with good documentation. One manager said to not respond; unless, the issue is resolved, having good evidence. Another says to make up documentation without proof. QC process is weird. 

My operations manager quit today, saying that my work is impressive during his last goodbye.

I stayed late because I made preparations for taking Monday & Tuesday off to go to Eve Ledesma's wedding.

Cycling home, I changed my route. I traveled for months a path that Google showed me, but I would see cyclists go another way. When I tried their path, I found a rocky path. Google's path was smooth, but it was hilly. The rocky path is only a gradual hill. Both paths lead to the main road after going down a hill. The rocky path has a longer steeper hill. The steeper start was scary, when I began to bike the other path. I have learned to go down it without pulling the brakes. Cycling home today, I got enough speed to pass a car. I never passed a car on my bike.

16 March 2019

I was trained to officiate an endowment session in the temple today. Brother Nickerson helped me out a lot. He was my follower, yet I followed his direction most of the time. I have officiated before at the Oakland temple, but it was years ago.

In the evening, Jessica and I went to Jordan Grimes' house for a game night, joining Jasmine and Lucas. We played Munchkin and Phase 10. Jessica won Munchkin very quickly, but the first few turns were long, reviewing the rules. Jordan excelled in Phase 10. 

17 March 2019

We sang in Sacrament meeting in the Maplewood Ward. We sang a unique version of 'Love One Another'. 

I also passed the Sacrament, and I enjoyed the fact two of my five year old students hailed me as I served them. "He is my teacher!"

I made the following notes at church:

What is a disciple? a follower of Jesus Christ

  • Jesus comes first   
  • Serve others before yourself   
  • Humble & Modest   
  • Seek no glory. Glory be to God.   

Why? To get to heaven.   

Obedience: Habits or rituals?

Live the commandments with purpose.   

What are the reasons that you are obedient to each commandment?   


Life is streamed live before the Heavens, and God can only edit it by your repentance & faith.

For we without them cannot be made perfect; neither can they without us be made perfect. (D&C 128)
