Today I decided to switch things up. I have been starting to arrive at work late recently. I am starting to do many things late. I am a punctual person, and I am trying to figure out how to go to sleep on time, arrive to work on time, and do everything on time. Doing too much is making me late. I decided to do the dishes in the evening rather than the morning. I may needto give up something.
The inspector was available to do the ones that I found yesterday. I am learning to engage people more to complete their quality control issues. I printed my list of QC items for Columbia Stone. The coordination of these inspections are a lot of work. I oddly felt very slow in the process.
One scripture impressed me a couple days ago. It is Alma 6:13.
"For the Lord suffereth the righteous to be slain that his justice and judgment may come upon the wicked; therefore ye need not suppose that the righteous are lost because they are slain; but behold, they do enter into the rest of the Lord their God."
The Book of Mormon is so plain, teaching that God does not deny agency to maintain justice. If people make bad choices, it reflects on them. God's justice is not served immediately, and life is not fair in many temporal situations; however, God is just. Be faithful to him, and he will fulfill his promises unto you.
I drew the mage's pet bear cub, but file got corrupt; therefore, I lost that progress. It is a good thing that I publish it daily, so I can download yesterday's draft.
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