2019.10.05 #ldsconf

I woke up at 4 AM for an odd reason. I usually wake up at 5 AM. I think that blogging and Instagramming anew messed with my sleep. Looking up "blog" in the App Store, I found out that Bloglovin’ and Flipboard is compatible with iPad 2, which has iOS 9.35. I might use Bloglovin because I edit on the iPad. I downloaded the Bloglovin' app recently to see if it has any good articles. After I downloaded those apps, I scheduled blog posts on my social media outlet for young single adults of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Since I have not explained the media outlet on this blog, I will at this time. The Facebook page is called "Single Adults' Blogs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," and the Twitter username is @LDSYSABlogs. I originally created this website aggressively promoting it at the following link: mormonysa.blogspot.com; however, I learned that there are social media rules that limits gorilla campaigning, which slowed the progress of the website. The website was inspired by a segment of the Mormon Channel Talk Radio, talking about a network of mommy Mormon bloggers. I have had to settle with sharing bloggers content rather than creating content, and I quit writing for it since I married. It has been a hobby of service of young single adults. The purpose of the accounts are to let the young single adults of the church shine a little brighter, sharing their example and testimony on one page with their peers. It has been a wonderful opportunity.

Jessica and I want to host Jasmine and Lucas, my in-laws, for the general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so I whipped the apartment in shaped. I am sad to say that I had to hide about 150 pounds of dirty clothes in the trunk of my car. After I rinsed all the dishes for the dishwasher to do it’s thing, I wiped all the counters clean. I cleaned the bathroom too. I finished in less than one and a half hours.

General conference started at 9 AM, and I am grateful that I did not fall asleep. I prayed for that all week that I can be attentive to the speeches. That is usually my main focus of preparation. I was a little drowsy at the end of the second session, but I made through it. There are a two hour break between each session, and we need to go grocery shopping. We already failed the first two attempts after the morning and afternoon session during those times; however, we were able to make October's budget. I took the following notes during the first two sessions of general conference:

October Saturday morning session 2019

Jeffrey R. Holland tells the story of the very determined faith of a blind man.

Jesus Christ needs to be the center of all things to make a moment meaningful.

All things in the temple points to Christ.

Cry, saying "Jesus the Son of David. Have mercy." all the louder in trial and opposition. "Receive thy sight. Thy faith has saved me."

Fair Dinkum: full commitment The parable of the fat lip and the broken jawRugby storys: Fat lip represents not giving partial commitment, and the broken jaw represents giving 100% commitment. The broken jaw was not a regret.

He was not committed to the Rugby game, losing the game, because he did not want to be injured for the date dance later that night, yet he got a fat lip; secondly, he felt pain in his mouth in a game that he was fully committed to, but he continued to push, not showing weakness with the pain. The ignored pain indicated the broken jaw."

Consider your ways." As Hagar suggests.

Young men's president

The philosophies of man attack truth. Hay, which was provided by man, did not nourish the deer trapped outside their habitat, and most died of starvation. Read that which nourishes your soul. Social media content oftentimes does not. The scriptures and addresses by modern prophets are nourishing to the spirit. The revelations given by President Nelson is preparing the saints for the trials ahead. Homes, providing constant spiritual nourishment, are blessed. Have high love and expectations.

Satan is master of distraction and procrastination

D Todd Christofferson

Jacob spoke often of the joy of the saints. Joy is based on the focus of your life; not the circumstances of it. Our joy is based on Jesus Christ. The commandments of God protect our joy in Jesus Christ; however, it does not protect you from bad things. God's perspective is a reflection of his commandments.

I felt like a captured bird liberated, when I found the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Find joy in overcoming misery. Find joy, serving like Christ. Focus on the joy that comes from the atonement of Jesus Christ to endure misery. Find joy in others' faith. Find ultimate joy in the knowledge that Jesus Christ pleads our call.

How Discern thought of Satan, God, and yourself: God invites to do good. Satan invites to do bad.

Imagine we prioritized our connection with God like Wi-Fi.

Ask the Lord for an errand. Success come therefrom. The Lord prepares multiple ways to do his errands. Do be ashamed of working an alternative way, when the Holy Ghost prompts it.

Dale G Runlend

Congolese threw their idols into violent waterfalls, representing their repentance. Cast our old ways out of reach. Don't throw your idols in calm water that it may be retrieved again.

Actions of faith grows faith, requiring an invitation.

When a family saw the sign of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they questioned "Does Jesus Christ have saints in the latter-days?" They chose to accept the gospel, and lose their scholarship for study in Switzerland, when their answers of the God were answered by revelation.

Anchor your life to Christ by partaking of the a Sacrament ordinance that renews our covenants.

Dallin H Oaks

Trust in the Lord despite questions about temporality reflecting in eternities; we do not know that much about the eternities.

Some repentance is possible in the spirit world.

Joseph Smith taught that everyone is in some form of bondage in the spirit world. Life without a body is seen as a bondage. The waiting in the spirit world for the resurrection is a bondage.

Personal experiences should not be taught as doctrine. Not all statements of leaders are doctrine. The fifteen apostles need to be united in teaching of doctrine in order for it be set as doctrine. The Family Proclamation is an example. Don't teach as doctrine that which we think is true. A personal conception of the Gospel can limit our learning of it if we are unwilling to adjust our understanding. Teach doctrine.

Remember that God loves his children, and he will do his best for his children.

Trust God.

God saves all the works of his hands.

October Saturday afternoon session 2019

David Bednar

Spiritual crocodiles

Satan preys on unaware youth.

Cheetahs | Distraction and diversion: They keep the their strategy.

Sentential tobys warned their herd of the Cheetahs fleeing their team strategy of alternating creeping up to them. Philosophies of the world may divert attention, persuading man that it is good, when it is bad.

Stay awake and be alert. Satan is coming for you. Be aware that Holy Ghost is prompting you and modern prophets are the watchmen. Satan tries to confuse and discourage, tempting man to use their bodies improperly.

Man's natural appetites are necessary for the perpetuation of mankind; however, it is not an excuse for living after them without temperance.

Understanding the intention of the enemy is essential to preparation for their attacks.

Ponder and discuss the parable of the cheetah and the toby.

Ruben Allivan

Conversion story

Russell M Nelson

Any temple worthy youth can be witnesses in baptisms for the dead.

Any elder can serve as a witness in sealings.

Any baptized person can be witnesses of a baptism

New adjustments for youth

Youth battalion

Quentin L Cook

Family centered church

Goal oriented youth program

Organizational Strengthen quorums; bishops preside Bishop is responsible for everyone of his ward boundaries especially ward members.

Responsible for young women,

Common judge

Parental support was found necessary in youth addiction to pornography.

Youth presidencies report directly to the bishop.

There is no more mutual.

Laser focus on youth

Mark L. Pall

We need proactive plans to answer Satan's exponentially increasing attacks on faith. "Come, follow me" decreases the influence of the adversary if we make our homes a sanctuary. The proactive plan of the church is the "Come, follow me" program.

The following are testimonies of "Come, follow me:"

Puts God first.

Let's parents bare testimony of the Gospel to their children, which is appreciated by parents and children

Scripture study is less reading and more learning.

Scripture supplement lesson less, and the lesson supplements the scriptures messages.

Consistently and resiliently happy

Sorrow prepares joy.

Are we to endure the travel without light? Do you feel like asking this question today?

Limited air in the barges

The travel by barges required faith in Christ.

I don't feel safe, but I am.

We can endure all the trials of mortality, if we are faithful.

We can have the light beneath or above the water, if we are faithful.

The Jaredites were at sea for 344 days. When we arrive on the shore, we will cry because the mercy of God in joy. We will feel the same when we arrive at heaven.


We can no assume that our children will learn the Gospel on their own.

Teachings will be felt, if we live them. This standard is a practice of integrity.

Ronald A Rasband

How do you honor your word? Is your word a bond?

If you practice the Gospel, you will know God.

We make additional commitments to improve our lives during the Sacrament.

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