Last night we were able to grocery shop after the Womens Conference. We already used up our fast food budget, since we ran out of food. Although Little Big Burger did not prepare our Impossible burgers promptly yesterday, we barely got home in time for the second session of conference.
Jessica and I went to the Washington Square Mall to retrieve our wedding reception rings from their refurbishment at Helzberg along the way to Winco. Jessica has not got her ring refurbished yet, and she loves the ring again. People say don't take off your ring, fearing that one may lose it, but I don't live by fear of man. I have developed a habit to put it in my pocket, the tiny one in the right pants pocket, and a tray at home. I don't like getting food, cooking, cleaning residue on it. It got disgusting when I first started wearing it, and my ring habits keep it clean.
I spoke to Trevor a little bit last night after coming home late from shopping. He was coming home from a trip to California. I woke up this Sunday morning at 7 AM, getting slightly more than seven hours of sleep. It is easier for me to sleep in on Sunday's because I work early in the day every other morning. After I scheduled blog posts for the Mormon YSA Blog Spot, I was inconvenienced with the wordpress and email app was not working well, so I just published my entry on Bloglovin'. I found that people might not find the Bloglovin' website convenient because it requires people to log in to the website, but I am going to continue to use it.
I took the following notes during the morning session of general conference this Sunday: After the second session, I made a salad for dinner at with Mercedes Ledesma, my mother-in-law.
Sunday Morning Session of General Conference October 2019
Gerrit Gong
The world is full of illusion.
Free, alive, and real life comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Become more that you are by covenant to give all that you are.
Are covenants only for time? Priesthood authority is the third dimension of covenant living. Priesthood authority makes relationship more tender. A life can by blessed by the priesthood from the beginning to the end of it with a baby blessing to a grave dedication.
Generation covenant itseIf you help me, I will never complain.
Christina Franco
Pray for opportunities
A good question to start a discussion about the Gospel: Have you heard about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
Pray for desire, keep the commandment, pray for inspiration
Dieter Uchtdorf
The call to adventure reached deep into Bilbo's heart.
Our mortal life is our difficult adventure, yet we are drawn to comfort. The great reward is well worth the adventure.
Incline your heart to God.
Discipleship does not require perfection. It requires doing things intentionally.
Consciously keep striving.
Progression comes from helping others to progress.
Helping others is the path of discipleship.
Don't leave room for negativity by filling your life with the love of God.
Don't bury for treasure. Share it.
The Gospel does not need salesmen. One just does not hide their life beneath a bushel. Invitation is the difference between casual and good discipleship.
Bilbo's noble quest and intention to living was distracted by a messy house. Don't wait when everything aligns perfectly.
Walter F Gonzalez
If thou wilt, wilt thou make me clean?Respect the will of God.
Leprosy, a nerve disfigurement and disability, was perceived as physical and spiritual unclean.
Feeling broken?Trust God.
Gary E Stevenson
Two deceptions of Satan: Don't try to make things that you not what they are. His son was trying to paint their black dog to make it a Dalmatian.Don't mistaken the identity of things. I saw a cat with a white stripe, a skunk.
One should know and recognize God, for Satan will pose as him. You can know who you are by the knowledge of God, for you are a child of God. Discernment between of God and Satan requires a knowledge God. This discernment seems to be a theme of the conference. We may need to re-evaluate what we think are good and bad. If you keep his commandments, we will not be deceived.
Russell M Nelson
Three meaningful experiences during his travels
We are supporting the Muslims gunned down in New Zealand
(Missed the second one)
A family adopted 7 Chinese children; one whom found common ties with the prophet. The blind daughter's attitude impressed him.
The law of the fast enables local units to bless their stewardship, going hungry to bless the hungry.
Charity facts: Two billion dollars has been used to bless the world by LDS Charities. The church has 124 bishop storehouses. More than a quarter million people was provided eye care. More than 100 disaster relief projects were conducted last year.
One in nine people cannot get their proper nutrition by their own means.
October Afternoon Session Sunday 2019
Henry Eyring, helping man find happiness or at least finding more happiness, guarantee the happiness that God offers. Increasing in holiness is the only path to more happiness. Sanctification is synonymous with holiness. Holiness requires repentance. Happiness does not necessarily come with faithfulness.
Facing death with happy countenances.
Elder Ballad
See and speak with love at home
Pondering the plan of Salvation, he was impressed by the concept of reunion. Am I ready for death?
The confusion of righteousness
Battle over self.
Apologize in repentance daily.
Satan attacks with us by the appetites of natural man. Ponder your progress of subjugating your body with your spirit.
Thank you.
Satan's Three Ds are the following: Deception, Distraction, and Discouraged
Don't compare yourself to others.
Don't let others steal your happiness.
Feel the love of God through prayer.
Study with a question.
Partaking of the Sacrament does not remit sin, but faithfulness enables us to live with the Holy Ghost always.
Ullises Soares
Deny yourself of worldliness and all ungodliness
Lose your life
Take up your cross
Don't give up on yourself
Don't give into carnal appetites
Don't give up hope
Don't remain in weakness.
Don't let weakness overwhelm you.
Despise the appetites of the natural man.
Neil L Anderson
The most joyous fruit, the fruit of the tree of life, represents the fruit of the atonement of Jesus Christ.
Mocking people may make them feel shame; shame of joy in the Gospel Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of us.
How can I make sure that I am living the plan that God has for me?
Begin returning by prayer.
Russell M Nelson
The crowning jewel of the Gospel is the temple.
Become more holy. How can I receive the blessings of the temple? A good start to this conversation is the words etched into the entrance of the temple; Holiness to the Lord: House of the Lord.
Theophany of the First Vision: bicentennial conference; The next conference is will be unforgettable; not the same as a regular one.
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