2019.10.10 Detaching from Google

Today I finished my internal quality control report for my walk yesterday. I was completing my second internal report from a walk from the last week of August. This is my third internal quality control report for the week. My project manager has yet to review them.

This evening I feel bummed out. I suspect that I feel this way because a secular project has distracted me today from work slightly and my study of the word of God at lunch. I decided to disconnect from Google. They use my information to profit. I bought an iPhone months ago, so I don't need to use a Google account to sign into an Android account. I started using a new email address with Vivaldi. I did transfer over some accounts, but I still found that I needed a Google account to sign in to the applications. The email that I added was just for correspondence. After running into that difficulty, I did not try for a while; however, I was exploring the iOS App Store, downloading and signing into all the apps that I have previously had accounts with. This week I realized that I cannot think of anymore apps to download and sign in with, and I decided to begin switching my email addresses from the apps. I was surprised that I was able to change my email address on so many apps from the app itself. I can say now that I have transitioned a high percentage of my accounts to my Vivaldi email address. I think that I only have a few billing accounts, sending emails to my gmail account. That was my personal project, which ended in satisfactory. I have many email address logged on my email app, and I have archived my gmail address with the rest of the big corporate name email address, which I do not use like Yahoo, iCloud, Comcast, and Gmail. I counted more than twenty accounts that I changed to detach from Google. Some were tricky.
