Today was a tedious day. I had to simplify by morning being a little messy because I had to make lunch, eat breakfast, have family scripture study, and ride my bicycle ten miles within the first two hours of the day.
We studied wonderfuI verses of scripture, teaching the doctrine of integrity. They are Philippians 2:14 & 15. "Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;" People with integrity are not contentious, doing what is right at all times. Others can't find fault in them. People will look to you as an example.
My bicycle is getting discouraging because my crank feels like it changes gears, when it isn't. It does it over and over. I felt so down that I stopped cycling a road that feels very long and started walking. I basically only have one gear that somewhat functions normal, which is my very highest gear.
I did not characterize my work as tedious. My project manager came as I was measuring extra Kingspan cuts, and he said that the work looked tedious. I have the measurements of all the extra Kingspan cut, and I have to match up as many of them at I can for use on the building before I use the unused inventory to see if we have enough to finish the project. I have to do the same thing with H1 rail. The "tedious" work of measuring was the first step, and I need to match it up to the building somehow. I was able to get the H1 rail inventory at the Headquarters easily with the help of the shop operation manager.
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