I started reading Ether chapter twelve a few days ago, and the phrase "he receive no witness until after a trial of your faith" has been a point of pondering. What type of trial is needed? The footnotes made this answer easy as they referred me to the word 'test.' This morning Jessica and I watched the new Book of Mormon video published last Friday, and Lehi's family was commanded to travel in the wilderness and follow a divinely given device called the Liahona. It was a tool that would indicate direction, and it gave messages to the family. After following the Liahona successfully for sometime, Laman and Lemuel's bows lost their spring, and Nephi broke his bow. This misfortune was a cause of contention and murmuring against God. Why didn't God prevent this from happening? He is testing their faith. Our mortal life is a test of our faith. Everyone that lives on Earth believed in Jesus Christ, following Heavenly Father's proposed plan for him to be our savior in premortal life. A trial of faith is required because agency would be obstructed; just as Lehi's family expected God to provide a life without hardship. The easy life would obstruct agency. If God gave man a sign every time that they asked, man would have no choice.
This morning Jessica and I had to rush somewhat like we need to do when we serve in the temple, preparing efficiently and quickly, because we had tithing settlement this Sabbath morning. The bishop checked in on how we are doing, asking about our experience in the choir. I said that we had to be flexible about choir practice because the conductor is out of town often. We practiced at 9 AM a couple time in a row, so we scheduled the tithing settlement appointment for 8:45 AM. It turned out that choir today was after church, requiring extra flexibility. The bishop thought that it was funny. The punchline and joke is weak, but he thought that it was funny.
I showed my Final Fantasy XIV character to my in-laws, and they thought that she was a boy. I was planning on trying to make a character for each race in the game, and choose my favorite. I made two so far, and I don't think that I want to use Hellsguard character anymore. Trevor has a friend that is going to be an archer in our party, and my Hellsguard is archer. I got a selfie of the second character, editing the picture. She is a Midlander.

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