This morning, serving at the temple, I helped many people do ordinance work for the dead. I was assigned to be the follower in an endowment session. I was praying and pondering about what I should say during my prayer. The officiator of the session spoke about his grandson, joining an university hockey and preparing for a tournament in Florida, which he is going to. He was trying to remember where it was. He said that Disney World is in the city. The words Tampa Bay came to my mind, but I doubted that it was in Florida. After completing his story, he remembered that the tournament is Tampa Bay. This is not the first time that I doubted a thought from the Holy Ghost. In my youth, I attended a meeting, where we were brain storming for a multi-stake activity. The word Olympics came to my mind, and I did not say it. No one else did either; however, the activity was an Olympic type event. I was impressed at the time to pray to express gratitude for the Holy Ghost, asking for experiences to help us learn to follow the spirit better.
After our service in the temple, we went to get gas, ate out, and got our oil changed. The oil change was close to the amount that I budgeted, but it was slightly more. They market checking other parts of the car like they are helping us, but they are just trying to make more money off us. I did a coolant flush and a bunch of things one time, and my dad told me to ignore their suggestions. They checked out lights, tire pressure, windshield wipers, filter, and transmission; looking for ways to provide a product/service.
I finally made my character on Final Fantasy XIV. I actually was able to link up with my little brother. I am a Hellsguard girl. My in-laws, who I just finished a game of Apples to Apples with, thought that it was a boy. The cards that I won are theatrical, inflamed, victorious, and downy. I played Final Fantasy XIV with Trevor for about three hours yesterday, and the main thing that we were trying to do is try to find a way to change my costume, and they are not modest at first. The costumes of people in the game is interesting because there are a very diverse amount of styles of clothes/armor.
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