Yesterday evening I had a prompting that playing Final Fantasy XIV with my little brother might be a distraction. When I began playing, I received a text from Jordan Grimes, asking for help on a religion BYU-I assignment. He had to write a short essay addressing a rabbi to testify about the resurrection. He did not know how to start. After he asked, I forgot about it, playing my game. This morning I messaged him, saying: "Sorry. I was having a bro night. I hope that it was not due last night. I would testify that Jesus Christ’s words are true. 'Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.' (John 2:19) This temple was his body not the temple in Jerusalem. He rose from the died, starting the first resurrection. Many more people were resurrected after his." Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are perfected immortal being, who know that life is not fulfilling without a body of flesh and bones, so he created this earth that we may experience mortality and choose the life that we want to live afterwards; with or without him. If we learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are faithful to it, we can return to live with God again; however, Satan makes attempting the Gospel very difficult, and many people may reject life in Heaven. All men will be resurrected because Jesus Christ did. The Gospel in its fullness has been restored on the earth again, and it is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jesus Christ leads his church as he always has by his prophets. The prophet today is Russell M Nelson. If you seek after joy, you will find it in the ways of Godliness. Joseph Smith, the first prophet of this dispensation, said of the Book of Mormon that "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." The way is placed before you. Will you act upon my testimony that you may have everlasting joy? What will you do? You may ask 'how do you know that this is the way?' I know this because the Holy Ghost has dwells in my heart, confirming that the Gospel of Jesus Christ as restored in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.
After finishing my QC walk, my project manager reminded me that he needs a installation package for the connection plates of the Alimak.
I worked on that all afternoon. I actually ride my bike home today. Jeff, my coworker, has been driving me home all week.
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