
When we got home, we made a budget for January, since we had no food in the refrigerator, having given it all to Mercedes before we departed for California. Mercedes invited us over for pasteles. Jessica thought that she meant dessert, but it was Colombian tamales. I had a couple. I had eaten too much food in California, so I was not that hungry. I ate two more for lunch the next day, and two was not enough for me the next day. In California, I was never hungry, and feeling full after a meal is important to me when I eat out. I realized that some people may never feel hungry, and feeling full may not be a high priority for them. This might be the reason that many restaurants don't have serving enough food as a priority. I do feel hungry often, when I am at home in Oregon. I think that I have a better routine at home, and I need to calibrate my body to my routine again. The only meal that I need to make more punctual is dinner. I had only a potato for lunch on Friday, and I was starving after work; however, I am getting back into my routine. 
Work has been good. I jumped in, catching up pretty easily. I published my quality control reports from the week before Christmas. I was too busy to practice quality control; furthermore, the printer has been down on-site, making it difficult to communicate quality control, since the foremen do not read their email. 
Weekends are dedicated to service. My temple service was good. I was a little rusty from missing two weekends of service in the initiatory, but I did well. I taught primary today. Brother Simnitt and I moved up to the next class, teaching the same students as last year. My lesson was surprisingly too much to complete during the class. I have made more realistic lesson plans previously. It was good because we had a normal discussion led by questions about each paragraph of the introduction of the Book of Mormon, and we were able to clarify somethings. 
On Friday, when I felt very hungry. I felt jittery. I was looking up definition of jittery, and it does not directly match. We do use the word in the context though. A Yahoo! answers said that my blood sugar was probably low. I told Jessica that she should meet me at work, since she was saying that she was hungry. I did not want to ride my bike home in this condition. I went to the hospital once for cycling in a similar condition passing out at school in Rexburg. My project manager actually drove me home. I did eat a couple slices of a holiday pastry. 
On every first Friday of the month, the apartments manager hosts a gathering with food. We spoke with neighbors from our floor, which was fun. I got to know a couple people more, meeting one new person. Jessica usually doesn't join me, but we spoke with the neighbors for at least two hours. We spoke a lot about television, but a sister invited people to join her book club. She said that she has been reading about fungus and moss. The fungi kingdom is the least understood in the kingdoms of mortal life, but she spoke of the Buddhist belief that all things have spirit or intelligence. I spoke to Jessica about this later.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also believe this, but we don't talk about it that much because it doesn't have much to do with our immediate salvation. Jesus cursed the unfruitful fig tree due to rebellion in Mark 11:12-14. The winds and the waves obeyed Jesus Christ, when the disciples feared sinking. The water obeyed Jesus Christ, and turned into wine. The trees, mountains, and waves of the sea obeyed the Nephites. (Jacob 4:6)  Enoch commanded the great rivers to change their course, and the mountains fled. (Moses 7:13) The elements only obey Jesus Christ. Enoch spoke the word of the Lord to command the elements, and the Nephites commanded in the name of Jesus Christ. During the creation, God commanded the light, water, and all things, seeing that they were good. "And again, I, God, said: Let there be a afirmament in the midst of the water, and it was so, even as I spake; and I said: Let it divide the waters from the waters; and it was done;" (Moses 2:6). Everything exercises agency to obey God. 
