Planning to work on Saturday, I realized that I need to clean my house, so I did published my weekly chapter; then, I folded a bunch of laundry. Working on publishing my weekly chapter, I found that my website was a mess. I definitely need to publish with Substack. On Sunday, when I was talking my parents yesterday. My father pointed out that I covered some things happening in Thailand. I looked at my website, and the entire chapter’s text was missing. Wix is making me look like a fool. Again I definitely need to publish with Substack.
Trevor and I recorded a bonus podcast episode.
I am really liking Substack. The only technical thing that I need to figure out is how to have it has the host of my podcast. I was surprised this morning to see that my podcast on Substack had three downloads. For the past week I did not have any evidence that it was listened by anyone other than me.
2020.03.25 Seeking founding members
Exploring Substack, I found a special offer opportunity, and I figured that I should try one before the end of the month. I started publishing on Substack on Monday. I submitted my new RSS link to Anchor on Tuesday, and I started a special offer today, expiring on the April 1, 2020. It’s a forever 50% off deal.
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