15 July 2020


I appear to have not written about Sunday or Monday. Sunday was good. I finished my blog and podcast early enough to have plenty of time to speak to my family. That's about it. I choose to edit my podcast and journal on Sunday because I think that a daily post is too much for people to keep up; more importantly, it is a contribution to personal history.

Yesterday was unique because we only had two people in field, and one of them had issues with his hand, and I helped layout the grounding grid for a few point of interconnection (POI) poles near the substation.

I finished the submittal log yesterday. After I worked on several projects in the morning including getting the printer working to get my auto insurance card, and doing most of my reports, I was informed that a guy reported that his hand is not working very well for him. It was very swollen. He left early, and I had to work in the field to complete the two man crew. As we laid out the grounding grid, we ran out of marking spray, so we started trenching. We finished what we laid out before the end of the day. I asked the supervisor when he thought of my work yesterday and he said it was alright.

I bought spray paint at Walmart on my way home; however, when I got to work today, I learned that they don't use spray paint to lay out stuff. they use a marking spray.

I also put my ice packs that I get from Fresh n' Lean in the cooler today. It looks like they're fine with it.

I called Fresh n' Lean yesterday because the diet is about 1000 calories a day. I need at least double what they're giving me. I already have to ration my food. I probably shouldn't ration my food. I called again this evening, and they would not accommodate a normal 2000 calorie diet, so I canceled my subscription with them.

I was surprised how much I did today at work. I submitted filtered down list of inspection for a quality control to my project coordinator, and he gave his feedback already. I inventoried what we have in addition to what we got from other projects.

When the crew finished trenching, I was asked to help them with cleaning the trenching during my work inventorying. My mom had a nightmare about me digging a hole in the desert, and I am out here cleaning out some trenches, which is similar work. I like working with a nonunion company. The crew members work a lot more efficient, and I get to work with him. I am using my squatting strength and my canoeing skills to clean out these trenches. I miss working jobs that are a good work out. We completed that work by lunch time.

After lunch, I worked on inventorying again, organizing and counting everything in an efficient way. I was surprised that I finished it by 3 pm, when I began logging the quantities into the material tracker, and completed my daily reports punctually.

I improved my gas mileage by 2 miles per gallon, since I got home from Virginia. I didn't notice that average miles per gallon was listed on my truck before. I wonder how high that I can get it.

I got an email from UpRight yesterday, saying that they are shipping my device that they canceled twice. I tried to email UpRight. I hope that a device is coming.


My phone was not receiving data this morning. I am fine with that. I usually don't have data, but my work is paying for it, so I can keep connected, when I am out and about.

I updated documentation, trying to do some submittal work. I was able to submit two items. I need to update the submittal log.

I had a couple odd coincidences, when management contacted me concerning items, which I was looking into at that specific moment.

I was asked to deliver equipment to Dallas on Friday.

I inventoried the PVC in the afternoon.

The superintendent wanted to make sure that the crews were trained on the equipment that they were using. Most weren't. He had a list given to him with the record of their training. I prepared all the documentation, and we trained all of them within the last hour of the day.

After work I return the spray paint.

The crews liked the ice packs. They lasted for two days.


I got an email back from the CEO of Dome Technology, telling me to contact him, if I am looking for work, recognizing that I just started with BHI.

This morning is foggy. I almost ran out of food before my last shipment of Fresh n' Lean is arriving today.

My daily laundry was quick this morning.

Arriving at work early this morning, I supplied my ice packs for water cooler.

I am arranging how I can meet Krystal and Dallin Cliff's family on my trip to Dallas. The coordination of the time was tricky because their schedule seems to be the opposite of mine. I think that I figured out a good plan.

I felt a little disconnected from the field at the beginning of the day, so I caught up with them. My day at work was a little slow because I couldn't think of much to do. I want to focus on the job; however, my superintendent advised me to inventory everything. I did most of it. I started organizing extra PVC sticks from another project, but he said that is too much work for me alone by hand.

I did little things around the office like put in someone's PTO. It was a little slow. I tried to follow up on the RFIs for the second day in a row as prompted by my project manager, but the general contractor had not looked at them; although, we required a response yesterday, sending it to them on the third of July.

At the end of the day, I grabbed my ice packs because I am leaving the project early tomorrow to deliver the tester to Dallas. I didn't want them to have to deal with warm ice packs on Monday after a weekend.

Trevor called me when I was at home as I got my oatmeal from my coworker and got my last shipment of Fresh n' Lean. I got my work iPad, when I retrieved my package. Our conversation was good, but it not as refined as our podcast; however, they inspired the podcast.


I focused on preparing for my trip to Dallas this morning, ensuring that I have everything. I got gas for my truck and two of my coworkers got gas as well.


I was so busy on Friday and Saturday, or perhaps distracted from writing in my journal. The morning was busy on Friday at work. I clarified some hours that my superintendent and I reported to the project coordinator. I probably did other things, but that was most significant.

The drive to visit Krystal and Dallin was smooth until I arrived in the city of Round Rock. Texas has weird lanes, entering a town, dedicated to doing a U turn, which confused me. I was sent on a maze throughout the town.

I visited them for at least three hours. Our conversation was mix with solemnity and humor. I was surprised how many humorous stories that I told. There is exciting progression in their family, and I recommend that you catch up with them if you know them. I met their daughter Sophia. I never met a sweeter two year old.

I had reports to complete, so I left about four post meridiem. It is a good thing that I received my iPad the day prior because mobile phone hot-spots are unreliable occasionally. My iPod has a data plan, and it made my reporting convenient. An IT guy from my company called as I arrived in my truck, which I don't believe is a coincidence. I asked him to orient me on the new iPad earlier that day. My superintendent was cooperative with my inquiries. He is a great person. This names Rey Jasso.

My drive to Dallas was smooth despite the crazy people on the road. I heard an odd popping noise near the truck as I drove on the highway. I was worried that something may have happened to one of the wheels, but no one communicated anything about it to me, so I didn't worry too long. I felt like a street race started on the highway about eight in the evening. At least ten people were driving around at all opportunities to pass at about ninety miles an hour at 8:30. I got gas with my awkwardly big truck and my awkward driving. I checked the condition of the tires; however, when I departed, the road was so bumpy that I stopped, put on the hazard lights, and checked for a flat tire again. I have found that Apple maps seems to make up street names, and it is hard to follow, if the streets are not labeled.

I successfully delivered the equipment. I kind of felt a connection with semi-truck drivers.

I ate dinner in my hotel room about eleven at night. I met with the other project manager about 10:30. I didn't get to sleep about one ante meridiem. It is kind of convenient sometimes to be two hours ahead of Jessica. It was only eleven post meridiem for her.

I slept in on Saturday, so I can be alert while driving. The Marriott actually had a breakfast for me.

When I drove home, I thought that my ultimate goal is to build Zion. I thought of establishing a completely autonomous peaceful town in the middle of nowhere, where land is cheap without road access; no cars, and the community would have a mile diameter, so everything would be within a fifteen to twenty minute walk. That is how they used to design communities in Europe. I would use all autonomous practices and technology, using a cryptocurrency as currency. I bet a lot of people would want to join me. All of the food would be grown organically. I would not want the dairy industry in my community. I would not want to import any goods; although, we could export goods. Since we don't use the American dollar, I think that tourism would have to pay for State and Federal taxes. I would not have anything else taxed. Real estate would be affordable because it is in the middle of nowhere. I would set a price for food so that would not inflate. There would not be any corporations in the community. There would be no printed money or homeless people. The community would take care of the poor and needy. Money would probably not be used until we can create our own block-chain technology. I would like a separate internet, but that seems unreasonable. I would be fine without the world wide web. We could establish all the technology through open source decentralized software. Maybe we could use Nikola Tesla's technology, so we don't have to wires installed everywhere. We would never have to pay for electricity or charge any devices. I can't think of anything more to say. One may ask how does one get to this isolated community. It would be by flight.

I got home an hour earlier than expected, arriving home about thee post meridiem. After lunch, I began preparation for the podcast. It went very long and we had spontaneous tangent conversations for the first time.

I should start working on editing it. I went to sleep late last night again because of the podcast; plus, I completed my private remix of Nick's incomplete song. I wonder how he would Iike I will keep it to myself until time is good. I shared my remix with Nick, and he liked it, enjoying that it was not as he expected.


Yesterday was yet another busy day because I was unable to do laundry all weekend. I worked on that and packed my ice packs in the morning. My project manager even got on me for cutting it close, arriving at work; although, I was not close to being late. I just didn’t arrive excessively early as usual. I also had to decide on a diet, preparing food for the week.

On Sunday, a Fresh n’ Lean dish was slimy as if it was about to get moldy. It looked as though it had raw egg on it, and yesterday my lunch with Fresh n’ Lean tasted sour. It is a good thing that unsubscribed from them. I just got the food last Thursday. The food should be fresh.

On the note of canceling orders, UpRight canceled two orders of the UpRight Go 2 because they thought that my purchases were fraudulent, since the order is being sent to a random hotel in rural Texas; however, the second order was with PayPal, and the system was too slow to catch the “fraudulence” to cancel the shipment. They returned the money to my account, and they are delivering me the device. The initial tracking information always gave me errors, so I didn’t know what to make of it. Is the tracking number tracking nothing? They are truly sending me a device, and it should be arriving late this week.

Another transitioning phrase: on the subject of a device vibrating or notifying an individual of unhealthy behavior; I downloaded an app that notifies me every time that I touch my face with my hands on my Apple Watch. It is a good thing, but it is odd to let itches go until it resolves itself. The app is called onwatch, and I think that the UpRight Go 2 will work for me as well.

My project manager gave me a BHI hat. Although I worked for Columbia Stone for two and a half years, I did not receive any hat, shirt, or jacket. I had to make up my own souvenirs.

Work was slow; even though, I counseled with my project coordinator. He gave me a bunch of things to do, and I bumped into walls because the first change order that I am writing for BHI is a complicated one, being a deductive change order, since the general contractor canceled a change order in the middle of us performing the work. I didn’t even have all the information to complete the change order. The second item that I could work on is writing a subcontract. I watched a video our legal guy’s video, saying that subcontracts are very complicated to write because each situation is unique. My project coordinator had a form for me to look at, but he did not send it to me. I did not want to just send an email to the subcontractor scheduling them without a contract. Other tasks were basically completed by my project manager before I looked into them much. I realized that I need to engage in the contract, project, and company so much that I understand what to do without anyone’s help. Work is going to feel slow for a while because I am not supervised very closely.

My project coordinator told me to leave work an hour early of each day each week because I worked overtime this weekend, driving to and from Dallas, and I can’t submit more than fifty hours a week. I plan to go into work today at nine ante meridiem and 7:30 on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This lets me catch up on things. My goal today is to complete editing my podcast before 8:30. I was able to complete editing my podcast this morning.

Work is good. I am busy so far. My potato lunch was not that filling. I am writing during my lunch.

When I arrived, I caught up with the field, doing some office stuff too.

My superintendent asked me to help him unload his trailer full of pipe. It took a lot less time than expected as he said that it would take me all day previously.

I didn't say that maximum miles per gallon that I got for my Dodge Ram truck, driving to Dallas. I got 16.5, but I eventually prioritized speed. I arrived home with 15 average miles per gallon.


Yesterday I got more information in order I can compose the change order, and I got the form to help establish the subcontract. I haven't done all that I can on the change order, but I ready to review the subcontract documentation with my project coordinator.

I got my reports out on time. My project coordinator noticed that my daily construction report data was inaccurate on Monday evening, so I am back on track, revising a few daily reports on Monday evening.

I published and shared the podcast yesterday evening. I am surprised that we already have three listens.

My goal this morning since I am going in to work at 7:30 is to publish my journal for the past week or so.

Josh Aufderheide hailed me up on Facebook about the time that I was preparing to depart to Dallas because he wanted to meet up there; however, I only access Facebook on my laptop, missing his message. We have been negotiating a meeting, and I think that we figured it out.
