It has been about a ten days since I posted on writtentoberead.blogspot.com. I have been working on transferring my journal to my .crypto domain. I thought that I could download my blog by copying a code conversion of blog's RSS feed. I also realized that I can convert the xml document to code, but I could only get about a year and a half of my entries at an RSS feed conversion website.
I don't trust that Google provides an easy way to transfer my blog to another platform. It is not by philosophy, but it is by experience. My cousin has a publication business that was unable to work with the xml backup file of my blog from blogger or blogspot, but I am going to try to personally make code out of the xml that I can post on my .crypto domain.
Another week has gone by. It has been been about three weeks, since I wrote a meaningful journal entry. I finally have students in my primary class. Last week went well, but this week's was not good.
Last week I focused a lot on recovery; sleep wise. I was incredibly drowsy on Monday at work. I saw that my Whoop suggest that I should get about ten and a half hours at one point. I sleep at about ninety percent efficiency, so I needed almost twelve hours of sleep. I actually went to sleep at six post meridiem, and I slept until five and half ante meridiem. I also went to sleep at seven post meridiem on Thursday. I need to make a lifestyle change, if I want to truly recover.
I live and associate with night owls, and I think that they are always living on an empty tank and alternative fuels, which we are not intended to live on. I think that many people are reaching there mental limit at this time for an odd reason. Simone Biles, the gymnast, even is dropping out of her Olympic events because she lost her groove. My little brother is facing a lifestyle change because his landlord is at his limit as well.
I decided to not complete editing my podcast because it was getting to be almost midnight yesterday, and I barely started editing Nick's volume to have it at an acceptable range. I have been exploring ways to sped up my methods, but I can't complete it in a reasonable time. It is like trying to complete a twenty hour project in twenty-four hours. The schedule has to change with the podcast. Maybe we should just make it shorter. That would work. Nick spoke for a hour straight basically, which is great, but I focus on each second to make the volume range in a good hearing range. People may use headphones to listen to the podcast. I can't just post junk that can damage people's hearing with extreme levels of volume. The analysis of each second when Nick speaks for about four thousand seconds multiples the time to edit of the track by maybe forty. My rough calculation makes editing Nick's track requiring forty hours. Facing that logically yesterday, I tried other methods to sped up. I saw insurmountable mountain late last night, and I couldn't make good progress. I went to sleep at three ante meridiem last week and four the previous week. Trevor may face another life change, when I discuss this topic with him. The podcast has become a full time job that pays nothing.
I feel like quitting social media altogether and writing a journal blog on an alternative internet that most people don't know about. I didn't bring an devices to church today, and I forgot my scriptures in the primary room, having no materials to teach with. I was unprepared. My work on the internet is worth nothing. I am a particle of sand on the internet.
I heard a phrase in Doctrine and Covenants 84 this week, saying that Heavenly Father is well pleased with the missionaries at that time. Pondering about whether he is well pleased with me, I am uncertain. I have not served in the temple for more than a year. I am barely fulfill my church callings. I am living in survival mode, trying to scavenge food and clothes each day to look presentable and be healthy; an allusion to the state of my residence. I barely have time to work out or read scriptures. Prayer is subpar. I need to reevaluate my priorities.
I developed tinnitus a couple weeks ago, listening to Nick's new song in preparation for a podcast, which I believe is caused when someone triggers a threshold in the brain and ear by listening to destructive noise for too long, causing the mental state of the person to hear ringing whenever they think about it. I don't think that my hearing is damaged, but I think that my brain is damaged. I have been wearing hearing protection on the train because it is loud in the train. I have a headset, and I started wearing it at work around my neck because I think that it improves my posture.
Jessica and Jasmine's birthday last Wednesday. The gathering was only Trevor, Lucas, Benjamin and I with them. We enjoyed a vegan sugarless cake.
Last week was my low for sleep. I started seeing my average time in bed go down to about six hours and ten minutes. If my average sleep is going down noticeably in one week, my recovery may take a week or so to complete. I am still recovering and the podcast is not contributing to it. My average time in bed was five hours and twelve minutes two weeks ago, six hours and ten minutes a week ago, & seven hours and twenty-eight minutes last week. This is according to my Whoop app, and it typically says that I need nine hours of sleep.
Another two weeks have gone by. I have recovered somewhat from the low of not publishing the podcast episode about the Olympics, but I am still working on getting control of my sleep habits. It is as if I am in a dystopia, and no one believes in sleep. I am the only one that believes in sleep.
My coworker assembled pull up equipment in the company warehouse, and my enthusiasm for pull up started a contest. I have no worked out enough to be able to work out constantly because I injured myself last Monday. I was working out three times a day. I have not fully recovered, but I feel that I am almost completely healed. One time when I injured by knee during my attempt to return to long distance running after years of focusing on blogging the world news, and I would jog until my knee started hurting; then, I would walk home. I did this until my knee developed the strength to run without pain. I attempted to do the same somewhat with my elbow injury, but Wednesday my pinky and ring finger felt numb for about half the day. I decided to take the week off during that experience.
Trevor and I recorded a shorter podcast last week, so I can go to sleep at a normal time on Saturday, but the memo was not sent to Nick, so our podcast this week was about the same length as usual. I was about to edit it in a reasonable amount of time. I realized that my editing style became to complicated. I thought that it was faster, but it was actually not.
I started playing Pokemon Unite last couple weeks ago. It is a MOBA online game, which stands for multiplayer online battle arena. It is nice because one match is only ten minutes, so I can be done quickly for the day. It makes Pokemon feel like a ecosystem, a game or group of games that you play. I started playing Pokemon Go and Shield the same day.
A church brother that I use to home teach at BYU Idaho invited us over for a game night last Monday. His name is Michael Findt or something like that. His wife should be having a child this coming week or so. We played a Disney game called Villainous.
We started to simplify the podcast, so I can edit it in a reasonable amount of time. They are shorter. Nick Chao has been our regular guest since the beginning, and Kyler Jeffrey joined the team during Season 4. They get along well. They both make music, so the podcast is more creativity focused now.
Jessica and I learned to teach the entire primary a couple weeks ago. We learned that they learn by playing. We played a puzzle and drew. We prepared to teach an older class one time, and it was not adaptable enough. Our lessons are adaptable to accommodate all age levels now.
Not much new happened this week. It is mainly the people around me that is making my life change. Trevor is working himself like he is a workaholic. Jessica is really taking ownership of the apartment. My sleep is almost stable my average time in bed is close to seven hour rather than closer to six.
Trevor postponed the podcast to record on Thursday evening because he is getting as many shifts as possible to stay out of his apartment. On Thursday he said that he would worked 35 hours in three days. He is also working to prepare to move. He left the apartment on Thursday after midnight because he needed to nap, so he wouldn't fall asleep on the road.
Jessica is taking charge of the apartment. She even started cooking grains and lentils, so I don't have to cook them in the morning to prepare my meals for the day.
I recovered from my elbow injury. I can at least do sets of five pull ups. I did a set of seven last week. I have two more weeks until the final performance. I think that I should hit this week hard, and lighten up in the last week, so I can be fresh for the final performance.
We were invited to join the LaunchPadOne Self Made contest. The winner gets 100,000 dollars. When I submitted the podcast to PodcastOne, I discovered that their real hope is to have us switch our platform from Anchor to LaunchPadOne, so they have more podcasts and a wider audience to advertise to. We decided not to switch platforms because we don't want advertisements in our podcast that do not benefit us. Anchor pays 1.5 cents per listen, so we don't put ads in our podcast with them either.
I am currently on a flight to California to visit my parents.
Last Sunday, I recall thinking that I don't have much to write about in my journal.
Some of the things that happen this past week or so are the following: Trevor's move, a Pull up competition, Primary lesson, game night, Wisdom Beta initiation, and three bids due at once. I will write about them chronologically.
Jessica promised Lucas that we would have a game night with him and his Nintendo Switch, which Jasmine got him for his one year anniversary for his job in Utah. We played Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart. I haven't played those games in years, so I was rusty. Mario Kart comes more easily. Trevor won everything of course, but at least that I didn't lose to any computers unlike Lucas. Waiting to see if Jasmine and Lucas will come, Trevor got Jessica and I an awesome vegan pizza at the Pie Pizza Place. It is truly the best in Utah as it says on their boxes.
On Saturday Jessica and I planned our Primary lesson because I started editing the podcast for the week. We may have been cocky or too experiment because we did not plan enough to fill the class time, and we resorted to activities from previous weeks. The lesson was too simple, and Jessica wanted to try a new teaching skills, which did not go well. We have been successful teaching through these activities, but Jessica wanted to try to have story time. When the children were not engaging, I thought that we should combine the lesson with the next activity, so the children could engage on something. The coloring activity was the only other plan. The lesson wasn't a disaster. We taught from previous activities that some of the children did not experience.
On the following Monday and Tuesday I made my final preparations for the pull up contest with a couple last workouts. I was happy to do eleven pull ups on Monday after a previous peak of eight, and I did ten pull up on Tuesday, giving me the confidence to plan to do fifteen pull ups on the day of the event. Aaron is in the Army reserves, and his personal record was twenty pull ups previously, when I said that I used to do sets of twenty during my last pull up contest in high school. Aaron made it in, and word was spoken that he needed to leave soon. He has been working a project on Roosevelt, Utah. On his way out he made time for the contest, saying that I looked stronger. He started doing twenty-one. I complimented his saying "Wow. I only planned to attempt fifteen." I stepped up, and, since it looked like Aaron was on his way out, I waited for him. Nathan watched from the balcony of the warehouse, and Jared and Nick attended the competition too.
When I started a quickly started swinging, when I recalled from my training from high, if I do a pull up at the moment a swing forward-most, the swinging is cancelled out. The audience wonder why I slowed down after a few, but it was to stop the swinging. I did not even count. I just focused on getting the most pulled ups, when I barely finished the last complete rep and a final attempt. Jared said that I did fourteen.
Another coworker named Tiago, who owns the equipment, made an attempt too. Aaron and Tiago both achieved personal best. Tiago did fourteen pull ups too. We did the over-hand type. This contest happened yesterday; today being a Friday.
On Wednesday, I received an email, who I have been on correspondence with on being a Top Mentor for the app, saying that the Beta has started. The app looks great, but communications with the audience is limited to talking during a live-stream at this time. I have not recorded an introduction for myself, but I think that the app has a good culture and start. People from many backgrounds were invited to join the Beta. Listening to a life coach's message, I was inspired to share it with Jessica, testing what would happen if I share a message. Jessica was able to listen to it on her phone through the web, which worked well.
I am preparing for three bids due on the tenth of September, and I felt pressure because I was trying to revise a earthwork model, which was not initially my work. The CAD work and the site improvements become cumbersome with redundant lines and illogical line work. I tried to Frankenstein and validate the areas of the site improvements, but the cut fill map came out weird. Trying to solve issues of the surfaces, my efforts were making the CAD work dysfunctional. I confessed to my manager that I will might need to start over to make a good cut fill map. He said that all he needs for now is the data, so I printed him a takeoff report. I was able to finish two of the three projects as of today, so I don't feel as much pressure. Juggling four projects was stressful especially with a due date in about six work days.
I am currently on a flight to Salt Lake City after visiting my parents for Labor Day weekend. Some themes or events of the trip are the following: shopping for a new or gently used purse, recording my first Wisdom talk, taking Roquito to Phil's Fish Market, eating waffles for breakfast, returning to the Capitola Ward, resting for the rest of the day, video-chatting with Trevor, watching YouTube with dad, hanging out with Jesse Kaupert, napping, eating lunch prepared by my mother, arriving at the airport to the news of flight delays.
My father's business is extremely busy, so he had to work until noon on Saturday and Monday.
Saturday almost became a day of shopping for Vegan hand lotion for my hands that are prone to eczema, but my mother doesn't enjoy shopping for lotion; therefore, I quickly purchased a pack and a couple lotion travel containers in order to take it on the plane.
We visited Ross and several second hand stores. Jessica was looking for the perfect purse, so she did not decide on one. She did enjoy visiting the second hand stores though. We did see a few that peaked our interest. The first was a brown leather purse that fit all the criteria of her preference except for style at Seconds in the Capitola Mall. Second was a purse made in Thailand that was too casual for Jessica's style, and third is an incredibly small purse with an icon of an avocado. The thrift stores were less accommodating, and my mother could not go in any of them.
We also purchased some chocolate from Vietnam and spicy Mexican cacao powder in downtown Santa Cruz. My parents also enjoyed a frozen chocolate drink and ice cream.
I was also able to explore computer options when we visited Costco, since all my devices are old and dysfunctional. My computer might not record well with my microphone. It didn't work the last time that I video-chatted with my parents. Many of the options are too expensive, and new iPad appears to be the most versatile for my needs. As a Top Mentor on the Wisdom: Audio Community app, I am looking for an art mentor to help me practice art in a proficient manner, and I think that an iPad will accommodate all my needs including my art ambitions.
During my first talk on Wisdom, I told my creativity story. I said that I have had to forsake my art ambitions, since middle school went I joined band by the family tradition. I also pursued high school sports, and I had to overcome my learning disabilities. I discovered a talent for writing in high school, using it to compensate for my reading deficiencies. I tried to embrace my art and design side by pursuing architecture as a career, but my degree did not prepare me well for the profession. Today my creative outlet is podcasting and journaling as I am now, and I work in the construction management industry.
We took Roquito to Phil's Fish Market because he recently graduated with a masters degree in Education; I believe. He has always wanted to be a school teacher, since he was exposed to the environment. We discussed his methods, and his passion is extraordinary in his profession.
Jessica and I both got artichoke entries at Phil's Fish Market, and we discovered that the food is a pain to consume. I got the artichoke provencal, having no expectation of its presentation. I was presented a soup, which I do not prefer, but I do enjoy experiencing new foods that I do not know; therefore, the dinner experience was an experience of my choosing. I was served a scallop soup; I believe, which would have taken an hour or more to cool down. I like artichoke hearts, but the artichoke was merely cut in half. I ate the first half completely. The second half had some extremely chewy parts. I ate the second half as advised by my father by scrapping the meat of the leafs with my teeth. The broth of the soup did not cool down until it poured it into my cup to drink. It was not a normal dinner experience.
After dinner we reviewed our cruise pictures with Roquito. He was a Catholic Priest or Pastor at one time, so our visit to the Vatican was applicable to his interests.
My father loves cooking breakfast, and he prepared waffles for us despite the day being a fast Sunday because he had to work Monday morning. We had a good time at breakfast.
At church I was able to catch up with Will Rowe. He home-taught our family back in those days. We get along well, since we work in the same industry. I also caught up with Debbie Fontes and Jacob Young briefly.
After church we ate lumpia and spring rolls before going for a walk. We walked to the end of Pleasure Point. I got one somewhat good picture, and Jessica awed at trees, which photographs are below.
We had our traditional grill cheeses for dinner. Dad tried to make a good spicy Mexican hot chocolate drink, but he will have to experiment more with it to make it a good taste as he would like.
We video-chatted with Trevor afterwards, and he was more engaged since there were only two parties in the chat. We had an enjoyable conversation. I played Pokemon Unite with him after losing a standard match.
I came down, hoping to show dad an extraordinary video of Chef Gordon Ramsay, making the "Ultimate Grill Cheese Sandwich" with Kim Chi in it. Our family tradition for years is to eat grill cheese sandwiches with Kim Chi, but we never cooked it in the sandwich. We saw his gaffe as many others, watching the Mythical Kitchen defend their grill cheese, criticizing Chef Ramsay's grill cheese. Chef Ramsay criticized Mythical Kitchen's first, so he had it coming.
My parents love watching travel YouTube channels especially about Japan.
The following morning was odd. I woke up according to my sleep schedule, thinking that I was woken up by my alarm; then, Jessica walked in with my watch going off at seven thirty anti meridiem, which was actually six thirty anti meridiem in California's time, so I tried to rest a little longer until about seven anti meridiem. I got up to eat an early breakfast because Jesse Kaupert planned to come at eight anti meridiem.
Jesse arrived hungry, and it was a good thing that Jessica and mom were eating to make the experience more natural. Mom made him a couple eggs. When Jesse felt ready, we attempted to go play Tennis at Jade Street park. I warned him of how annoyingly busy it is. All four courts were in use or about to be, so we talked, played catch, and did some pull ups. The conversations were good.
When I get home, I was attempting to make another Wisdom talk, but I figured that I should nap. I napped until one post meridiem. I probably napped about two hours.
Judy McNally came for lunch. Mom made my favorite lemon chicken drum sticks.
We left punctually afterwards to arrive two hours before the flight to receive the news that it will be delayed until six thirty post meridiem about an hour and a half late. The flight actually boarded for a six post meridiem departure; however, the plane was giving the pilot error codes. They had to request a maintenance engineer to clear it. We didn't arrive to Utah until ten post meridiem when we planned to arrive at seven post meridiem. The airport did have a shuttle to pick up people for the train, but we did not want to risk missing the train, since it was not punctual. The train will be leaving shortly. I have reached the present moment, which is a little after eleven post meridiem.
Our primary lesson went well today, but our primary students are not consistent. I think that I should engage the families, whose children that we have taught, and befriend them. Surprisingly, we teach the younger children, when we requested to teach the older. We have had to be adaptable, but I try to believe that families are not coming because they do think that we can adapt, hoping that they have other reasons. Work at JWright has slowed down again after three projects were due on Friday. I got the podcast published late yesterday, but it was not too late. FanX is next Thursday through Saturday, so we need to record our podcast on Wednesday. I am surprised how many listens that we got our LaunchPadOne RSS feed in preparation for the Self-Made contest. We are definitely not going to be a finalist, but we will still keep up the RSS feed to participate until it is over. I got a picture of the troll statue that we have for FanX from the Hobbit movie. It is huge. I struggled to get a picture of it.
Jessica has a lot of work, which keeps her busy. I think that giving her responsibilities are good. She was successful in rescheduling our Thanksgiving flight, when we had a failed attempt on Tuesday. She is also working on registering her car in Utah. She worked most of the day on Saturday, looking through our unorganized documentation to find our title to the car, and she found it. I knew that it was in the papers that we saved because she registered the car in Oregon.
My life is somewhat boring. I play Pokemon Unite, seeking to be an Ultra level, but I keep on being placed on bad teams. I restructured my team on Pokemon Sword. I was a monster hunter last week, training my Pokemon to be about the same level because I rely on all on them to be super effective against various types of Pokemon. I could switch out one for a new current generation Pokemon, but I just finished training all my new team members to be reliable.
I am preparing a talk for Wisdom, but since it is somewhat secular, I am not going to record it today, which is a Sunday. I will publish my notes here as follows:
Consistency is very important to me as a person. A relationship with an inconsistent person develops an unstable life.
I used to run track, and I believed that running each lap at a consistent optimal pace is better than depending on other people for pace. I ran each lap at practicality the same speed in one race. I did not have much of a kick to finish the race, but I won. Running with a team improves performance immediately.
Consistency is very important as creators too, and some audiences look forward to content each week or day at a specific time if you are punctual. The establishment of a routine is difficult, but one thing that can help a lot is a teammate, partner, or audience to hold us accountable to continue in our hobby or craft. I would not have recorded my podcast for nearly two years without my team.
One thing that I have found in my blogging is that if I publish it to be available to all. I can receive feedback, and see what works and doesn’t with statistics. I also recognize that I am more audience oriented in my writing; therefore, it is more wholesome, mature, and thoughtful.
One may think that I am odd, but I publish my journal. I almost said that it is my personal journal, but I publish it for everyone to read. A slogan of the blog is “My journal is written to be read.” I have found that private works can explore darkness, negativity, and immorality, and my open works have a more broad perspective, wholesome point of view, and a more compassionate nature. Why write if you don’t intent it to be read?
On the other hand I have found that writing is a good tool get negative or persistent thoughts out of my mindset, but once an individual gets control of their thought processes. The writing can edited down to a more mature perspective.
If you communicate to someone a personal intention or goal, people will hold you to it. I had a goal to be an architect, and I am surprised how many people think that I am an architect.
The expression of goals and intentions publicly and personally is powerful even if it is merely written out. Thinking or talking about something will most likely not be productivity; unless, you express intent, a goal, or a decision.
It is also important to recognize that people have relationships with themselves. I believe that it is important to be true to what you say that you will do in public setting as well as your personal plans, intentions, and goals. This is how I understand integrity is. Do what you say that you are going to do. This brings power to what you say.
Relationship with myself?
One thing that I was able to do is transfer my Basic Attention Token from my browser on my laptop to a personal account. I was unable to do that until Brave announced a partnership with Gemini this past week, so I verified my account. My BAT was stuck on my laptop browser, and now I can transfer them. I had 5 BAT building up over a few months. I tried to transfer them to myself by giving them to my personal Basic Attention Token creator account, but it didn't work.
I have one last picture to share. Trevor wanted to go to Tiger Sugar before we recorded our podcast on Thursday. He also wanted to buy us dinner for helping him move. Tiger Sugar is from New York. They use unique sweeteners. I got the pudding milk one. I think that it had chocolate in it, but it tasted very bold and maybe roasted. Trevor is a big beverage person.
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